Thunder Bay Fire Quickly Responds to Chippewa Trailer Park Structural Fire, Ensures Safety of All Occupants


THUNDER BAY – NEWS – On Sunday at approximately 15:24, Thunder Bay Fire Rescue responded to a call reporting a structural fire at Chippewa Trailer Park. Despite a delayed arrival due to the extended response distance, first arriving crews skillfully addressed the situation.

Upon reaching the scene, crews were met with smoke and flames emerging from the building’s roof. Acting promptly, the initial teams applied water to the exterior before entering the structure to conduct a search for potential victims and fully extinguish the fire.

TBFR report, “Thankfully, all occupants were confirmed to be safely out of the building, resulting in no reported injuries to civilians or firefighters”.

A robust response effort involved a total of 4 Pumpers and a Command vehicle, showcasing Thunder Bay Fire’s commitment to handling incidents efficiently and effectively.

Smoke Detector - image
Smoke Detector – image

Safety Reminders: In the aftermath of the incident, Thunder Bay Fire Rescue takes the opportunity to remind residents about the importance of maintaining operational smoke detectors and scheduling periodic inspections and cleaning for furnaces and fireplaces. These measures contribute significantly to home safety and early fire detection.

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