Chiefs of Ontario Demand Ontario Return All Removed Greenbelt Land Parcels and Call for Criminal Investigation into Land Removal

Grand Chief Hare
Grand Chief Hare

Toronto, ON – The Chiefs of Ontario have released the following statement following today’s Emergency Chiefs Assembly and subsequent media event with First Nations Leadership, pertaining to the Auditor General’s Special Report on the Changes to the Greenbelt:

On August 28, 2023, the Chiefs of Ontario (COO) called an Emergency Chiefs Assembly to allow for all Ontario First Nations Leadership to gather virtually to discuss the Auditor General of Ontario’s Special Report on the Greenbelt, as well as further direction for the COO to undertake with regard to the relationship with the provincial government. Following this, the COO held a media event as an opportunity for First Nations Leadership to discuss their concerns directly with members of the media.

During the Emergency Chiefs Assembly, a resolution was passed by the Chiefs-in-Assembly that directs the COO to demand that Premier Doug Ford commit to all the recommendations as outlined in the Auditor General’s Report, including the recommendation to return all land parcels to the Greenbelt immediately.

The resolution also directs the COO to call for a criminal investigation into the manner in which the Greenbelt lands were chosen for removal and the extent to which the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing and the Premier had control over the situation and were aware of the lands selected to be removed from the Greenbelt for development.

During the Emergency Chiefs Assembly, the COO’s previous direction was re-confirmed by Leadership, in that the COO will cease any working relationship with MMAH Minister Steve Clark until further notice, but that work at the technical level within the ministry will continue to allow for optimal progress on First Nations’ housing priorities.

Further, the COO will be inquiring into the scope of work regarding the inquiry of the integrity commissioner as well as into any RCMP investigation as it occurs. Regarding the pursuit of legal routes, the COO remains open to all legal options as the situation progresses. However, we are hopeful that negotiations with Premier Ford, Minister of Indigenous Affairs, Greg Rickford, and all other relevant ministries can begin prior to these avenues having to be explored.

“From First Nations’ point of view, the situation in its entirety is corrupt,” said Grand Chief Joel Abram, Association of Iroquois and Allied Indians (AIAI). “We will continue to support the RCMP in its considerations to conduct a full investigation into this matter.”

As was consistently reiterated throughout today’s media event, First Nations have been given very little, if any, opportunity to be adequately consulted on these changes to the Greenbelt, despite these changes directly affecting First Nations’ inherent, treaty and constitutionally protected rights.

“The Ford government has a strong track record of ignoring First Nation voices and Treaty rights, as demonstrated with the Williams Treaty,” said Grand Council Chief Reginald Niganobe, Anishinabek Nation. “Anyone who cares about democracy, public trust, and institutions, should be profoundly disturbed by the report and its findings.”

As First Nations continue to highlight the lack of consultation and lack of meaningful dialogue with the province throughout the Greenbelt processes, it is of extreme importance to note that this particular issue is not First Nations-specific and that all Ontarians ought to be concerned with the detrimental environmental and agricultural impacts that these land removals will result in.

“We must discuss the importance of the Greenbelt, wetlands, woodlands, and all its significant pieces,” said Chief Laurie Carr, Hiawatha First Nation. “In our teachings, we talk about wetlands as being the kidney of mother earth, and how they filter our waters; we talk about food, water, hunting, lands, and farming; all of these agricultural impacts should be concerning to every Ontarian, and development in any part of this area is unacceptable.”

As was discussed during the media event, several First Nations who are part of the Williams Treaty Settlement Agreement have existing rights within a large part of the Greenbelt that are recognized, including the rights to harvest, hunting, fishing, and gathering. The province’s removal of these lands within and surrounding the Greenbelt areas will directly interfere with those First Nations’ rights.

“Premier Doug Ford and his government must be held accountable to their early promises to ensure the Greenbelt remains untouched,” said Ontario Regional Chief Glen Hare. “The province must take into consideration First Nations’ rights and the duty to consult when proposing changes of such a great impact and magnitude.”

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