THUNDER BAY – NEWS – Hydro One is telling NetNewsLedger: Hydro One crews are responding to scattered outages caused by high winds affecting parts of northern Ontario. We understand how difficult it is to be without power so we are bringing in additional resources as the high winds are anticipated to last into the evening.
Customers can report their outage by texting 92887 (WATTS), through the company’s outage map and app, or by calling 1-800-434-1235. Our outage tools will be updated every 10 minutes as information comes in from the crews on the ground.
Be sure to stay clear of any fallen power lines. If you spot a fallen line, keep at least 10 metres back, even if it does not appear to be live. Report it to 911 and call Hydro One at 1-800-434-1235.
For outage information on the move, download the free mobile app. Customers can also sign up in advance for text or email notifications at hydroone.com/outages.