Waste to Energy : The Japanese Recycling Revolution

Waste to Energy : The Japanese Recycling Revolution

The 27th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 27) to the UNFCCC is  taking  place in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt. According to The 2021 UNFCCC NDC Synthesis Report, climate commitments are not on track to meet the Paris Agreement. As most plastics traded are derived from fossil resources, reducing waste generation are important to support Parties in implementing existing and future multilateral environmental agreements. This high-level event will seek to improve awareness of actions across the plastics value chain to end plastic pollution.

People say that plastic itself is harmful and that we should quit producing it. But Is a world without plastic waste possible? We will not create a world without plastics because it is such a good material. In hospitals, the loss of plastic would be devastating. we use plastic in plenty of longer-lasting ways too: it’s in our buildings, furniture, appliances, TVs, phones, clothes, and countless other everyday objects. 

Maike is an environmentalist who is one of the few Japanese who have worked tirelessly for the recycling industry as part of their efforts to save the environment over the years. His mission is to revolutionize the recycling industry by using methods that are not harmful to the environment. he is doing groundbreaking things for the recycling industry in Japan which is considerably behind on these topics compared to other countries. It is very interesting the way they portray this information using animation films and different artistic activities in order to bring the content to visual learners as well.

After knowing how Japan is behind on combating the topic of plastic pollution, He is centered in developing alternative recycling methods in order to combat plastic pollution. he do this by breaking down the plastic into small pieces in order to allow the formation of new things using plastic that was already in the waste stream. 

Maike said, “We will not create a world without plastics because it is such a good material. A future entirely without plastic is neither realistic nor desirable. But we can aim for a future without plastic waste and pollution. It is crucial that the production of new plastics is reduced and refined. ”

As the world is facing severe environmental problems, solutions to waste disposal by him are being appreciated a lot and setting the trends everywhere he goes.Successful projects can serve as a template for other countries in the region. His experience can help emerging economies in this world manage rapid growth in waste through careful and strategic use of his technologies.

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