Looking out for an amazing self-help book for 2022? Check out Rosa L. Antonini’s “The Zero-Sum Game of You.”


    The devoted philanthropist and software engineer is deeply passionate about helping people open their hearts and minds to self-fulfilment.

    There are tons of books, guides, resources, etc., on how to reach to the next level of success, attain the growth you seek or become happy in life. But, let’s be honest here, how many of such books and sources have actually delivered on their promises? Well, it is high time people switch to reading books that are written realistically and with the pure intention to serve mankind. Talking about such motivational and self-help books, our attention was attracted by a recently released book by Rosa L. Antonini named “The Zero-Sum Game of You.” About this book, Rosa quotes, “This book will enable the readers to see their lives as spectators.  This way, they will be better equipped to make decisions and own their outcome while increasing their life’s fulfilment.”

    Rosa L. Antonini, who is a devoted philanthropist and software engineer, mentions how through her journey, she noticed massive similarities between software engineering and human behaviours. Since she has always felt deeply passionate about helping people and helping them open their hearts and minds to self-fulfilment, she wrote the book The Zero-Sum Game of You and highlights how it was born from her sense of gratitude. From her growing up years, she was all into science and metaphysics, and this somewhere influenced the core foundation of her values and her empathetic nature, and the strong desire to reduce the sufferings of others. In her book, Rosa L. Antonini explains the internal battles of people in the form of a game.

    Also, she would be donating 60% of it to help young adults with training programs to help them learn the required skills for getting better jobs. She says that becoming an author was not a personal goal, but eventually, it was the answer to her long life quest about helping people on a larger scale. Talking more about it, she goes on to highlight that The Zero-Sum Game of You is all about helping the individual strength of people. Not just that, the book will also help financially to open opportunities to young adults in ways more than one.

    This book is definitely seen as a promising new book by this debut author, who flares excellently with her compelling writing.

    To know more, visit his official website www.rosaantonini.com

    Follow her on Instagram: author.lopezanton

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