“There Is No Quick Fix to Getting in Shape,” says Sean Nalewanyj


Virtually everyone makes the decision to lose a few pounds, gain muscle and get into better shape at some point in their lives. It seems easy at first glance, but for most people it doesn’t end up that way.

In an age of convenience, it’s always tempting to believe there’s some special shortcut to getting fit or an overnight miracle cure to burning fat or gaining muscle. In reality, that just isn’t the case.

As fitness expert Sean Nalewanyj points out, “despite all the fads and gimmicks you find in the online fitness world these days, I can guarantee you there’s no quick fix to the body of your dreams. If there was, everyone you see would be walking around with a lean and muscular body.”

As a respected online coach and content creator, Sean Nalewanyj has spent well over a decade helping people from all walks of life get into shape and achieve the body and life they desire. He knows exactly what it takes and how challenging it can be, because as a teen he was continually frustrated by all the fancy workout programs and fad diets circulating around that failed to deliver real results.

Sean Nalewanyj explains, “I was naturally thin, and much of the advice I was receiving from other guys at the gym and on the various fitness websites, forums, and magazines proved to be a dead-end. I wanted results, but I didn’t know how to separate the fact from fiction when it came to putting on muscle and getting lean.”

Opting to play the long game, Sean put his focus on researching the real science behind health and fitness and was quite surprised by what he found. It turned out that a high percentage of common “mainstream” training and nutrition advice was just flat out incorrect, and it was no wonder why he wasn’t seeing the results he desired.

This began a long journey where Sean not only transformed his own body from skinny to muscular but also went on to become a respected fitness coach and founder of RealScience Athletics, an evidence-based supplement company specializing in research-backed, clinically dosed formulas.

Sean Nalewanyj shares, “I was shocked at just how many people were being led down the wrong path when it came to reaching their fitness goals. So much of the common advice was being put out by guys with elite genetics who were also taking performance enhancing drugs, and copying these guys’ methods just won’t work very well for the average natural lifter. Going the drug free route requires a higher degree of patience and consistency, and there are no special secrets involved. But if you just stick to your guns and apply yourself intelligently and diligently, you’ll get there in the end.”

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