“Welcome Home Dinner” Set for December 29


Thunder Bay – LIVING – The 3rd Annual  “Welcome Home Dinner” will be held on Wednesday, December 29 from 5 pm —7pm  at The Hub Bazaar with meals being delivered to the students through the Pick Up Window. One hundred traditional holiday turkey meals have been prepared for International Students attending Confederation College or Lakehead University. (Veggie option available this year)

This event is hosted by the board of Assisting International Students Together (ASSIST) a new not-for-profit agency dedicated to helping International Students thrive in Thunder Bay. Chair of the Board Silas Young, a student at Lakehead University says, “We want to share the generosity of the community of Thunder Bay with the International Students, share a bit of our holiday tradition, and it’s also a way of rewarding the students after a semester of hard work in their field of study.”

This event has become very important in the past two years as invitations to private homes for the holidays have been few due to provincial rules only allowing for 10 family members to participate at indoor events. Volunteers at the to-go dinner will be following strict Covid-19 safety protocols to ensure these students have a meal during the holidays and feel appreciated for their positive contributions to our city.
 A poster is attached for the event. All 100 tickets have been spoken for for the dinner. The dinner has been made possible by the kind donations from Bain Smith Consulting and Valuation, LUSU, SUCCI,The Hub Bazaar, Unifor, Copperfin Credit Union, the FWBIA and  Netnewsledger. 40 Fleece blankets have also been purchased by ASSIST and donated by community members as a give away in a draw for the students after the holidays.
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