Judging the brilliant musical talents in the music festival by Majid Adib


Fajr Music Festival is the most important Iranian music festival, which was usually held in Tehran in mid-February every year.

Fajr Music Festival was formed in 1985 with the initial name of “National Festival of Revolutionary Songs and Hymns” and its first period was held in Tehran with the participation of 20 groups. After four years, that is, in 1989, its fifth period continued with the design of logos, signs and symbols, entitled “The Fajr Music Festival”.

In 1370, in its seventh edition, the festival took on an international shape for the first time, with the “Introduction to the Music of Muslim Nations” section added, with bands from Tajikistan (Adineh Hashemov and Dolatmand Khalif), India (with Leading by Bismillah Khan, the famous musician of Shahna) and Azerbaijan (Master Abel Aliyev and the singing of Nasrullah Nasehpour, the program was performed in it, and since then, every year, the Fajr Music Festival has hosted bands from different countries of the world.

This year, one of the Iranian Pop and Rap musicians, Majid Adib, was chosen to judge the festival. He is the youngest judge in the history of Iran.

Majid Adib was born on March 1, 1987 in Tehran

Majid adib has also produced some music for famous female singers in iran like sogand , Satin and Melani . If you want to join his music production classes in Tehran you can refer to his official website : majidadib.com

instagram : Majidadibb

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