How Real Estate Guru Ernesto Javier Font Uses His Life To Inspire Others To Achieve Their Dreams


Ernesto Javier Font may have started as a broken man, but he refused to allow brokenness define his story. He repeated the 3rd grade as he struggled to understand why his parents could not work out their relationship. He watched his mom work three jobs to make ends meet, while he only saw his dad every other weekend. After moving to Florida, Javi experienced financial hardship as his money and unemployment dried up. His girlfriend of 8 years cheated on him and left him. She said he would never be more than anything but a lowlife. So Javi realized he was at a pivotal place in his life. Either move home to Connecticut and continue on this path, or make a change through personal development. Javi knew it was time for change. He found mentors and turned his life over to God when he accepted Jesus as his personal Lord and Savior. Soon after, he entered the real estate market. Javi went from unemployed to millions in real estate in less than 5 years when he chose a life of full surrender. “God is the CEO of my life and I am just the General Manager of this body he assigned me to live through,” he says.

Javi’s dad has always played an important role in his life. Even when he turned to selling drugs, gambling, and incurred massive debt early on, his father never gave up on him. Javi owes his real estate journey to his father, as he was the one who introduced him to the industry. He no longer wanted to punch in and out for someone who didn’t value him, so he made the leap. Growing up, he was money driven seeing his mom and grandma struggle to provide for their family. Watching them barely get by fueled him to change the story, so he found a way to help his mom, brother, and grandma. Desperation forces you to tap into another version of yourself. Javi went to Florida with the intention of helping his mom, brother, and grandma. But he needed his heart and mind to be ripped open in order for that to happen.

As a breakout in the real estate industry, Javi has a wide reach. Through his real estate brokerage, Font’s Statewide Realty Inc., he helps people buy, sell, invest, or rent properties in Central FL. He also trains and mentors more than 12 agents along their journey. Javi is also the Founder and CEO of Statewide Home Solutions, LLC, to flip or rent properties, or wholesale properties to investors at a discounted price. He is also the Founder and CEO of the education company After Hours Success with a mission of mentoring students on personal development, real estate investment, flipping, wholesaling, and how to be successful in real estate.

For Javi, his accomplishments aren’t measured by the millions he has made. Instead, his biggest victories come with the lives he has changed. His first notable accomplishment came when he was able to buy his mom a house and always have the ability to be there for her. Javi also encouraged his brother to take control of his life’s path as he went from corporate to realtor. Knowing what it’s like to live in a broken home and low income neighborhood, he is also passionate about inspiring youth to become the best versions of themselves. He teaches them to make the right choices in life and encourages them to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior.

Starting out in any new endeavor requires patience. It takes time to get your name recognized. But with consistency in your marketing strategy, your phone will ring. Raising capital will be a challenge, but the key is finding the right team. You need reliable people to buy into your vision and mission to make your processes, systems, and logistics all come together. The only way to succeed is to go through a personal transformation. You have to rid yourself of bad habits and cultivate emotional intelligence. “Having faith & patience is also very important! Mindset overall encompasses many different attributes. When you start your own business, you have to keep yourself accountable as that will determine the success of your business. You have to go into the business with the right mindset if not it will fail!” he says.

Faith over fear is Javi’s mojo! Fear is a killer of dreams and, at best, will only succeed in keeping you comfortable and stable in life. If you want to live a truly significant life, your measure of success should be how well you inspire others. Understand your competition so you can determine what sets you apart. Find a mentor who has had success in your field. Learn from those who have gone before you, but understand results take time. Financial freedom is attainable for anyone. We are all meant to live free—without the worry or stress of not having enough money for the lifestyle you choose.

What’s next for Javi? He is building up his YouTube channel, writing a book, and creating a real estate course. He’s also working on a clothing line, booking public speaking engagements, and starting a nonprofit foundation. You can follow Javi on Instagram @javierinspiredme.

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