Erik Roberto Shares His Insights On How To Dominate Your Industry

Erik Roberto

Most companies dominating the market in their respective industries today had started small and by people with humble backgrounds. Erik Roberto is a successful entrepreneur and a Master Barber with over 25 years of experience in the industry. He was the first barber to perform scalp micropigmentation (SMP) and quickly became a guiding light of excellence for those in the SMP industry. Roberto believes that leaders are not those who merely compete to dominate the industry; they lead the way for others to follow.

Erik Roberto says, “Your success depends on your appetite. You could be happy to run a small store on the street corner, be satisfied with a chain of superstores, or have the hunger to establish a stupendous multinational enterprise. If you want to dominate your industry, you must outperform the existing players and topple the biggest and the best.”

Skill and commitment make the world move, and having expertise in your field is critical for success. Erik Roberto attributes much of his success in the SMP industry to first being a renowned Master Barber. “Learning your craft well is the first step to success,” he says. Roberto is an expert with clippers, scissors, combs, and razors, among other instruments. Moreover, he is also highly skilled in creating custom pigment makeups for his clients that perfectly match their hair color.

Erik Roberto further notes, “Patience, persistence, and perseverance are required in high doses to keep the engine running. There is nothing called an overnight success, and the waiting period could go on for months, years, or even decades. The impediments towards progress may crop up from known and unknown sources. However, the options to give up, discontinue, or fail are not available on the path towards industry dominance.”

Applying your knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to the industry sparks innovation. And innovation leads the way to industry dominance. Erik was the first barber in the world to make the transition to scalp micro pigmentation (SMP) as a full-time profession. Roberto has also won the award for being the best practitioner of scalp micropigmentation in America in 2019. Papito Auto Detailing is a mobile carwash, is another successful business established by Erik Roberto. After more than a year of operating, the company has expanded exponentially, with a team 10 employees and rising.

Erik Roberto is recognized worldwide for his incredible talent and has won several accolades. He was won the first prize at several barber competitions, including the CT Barber Expo (Connecticut), Hair Battle Tour (Boston), and IBS (New York). Other than successfully securing the American Dream for his family and himself, he inspires millions every day. Considering his pedigree and achievements, Erik Roberto’s advice is well worth taking.

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