Trust Can Only Be Built Through Consistency, Regardless of the Industry – Ross Haley


If a brand wants to thrive and not just survive, it has to earn the loyalty and trust of its customer base. Household names only become household names because they are believed in and trusted by millions. Building a brand that finds a special place in the hearts of an army of followers is the holy grail sought by all businesses and entrepreneurs. Yet ask Truth Enterprises President and CEO, Ross Haley, and he’ll tell you the secret to perpetual success is relatively simple. Regardless of the industry, you need to gain and maintain a winning level of consistency.

“Consistency, to me, is just another word for hard work. And if you work hard and never let your eye off the ball, the results will start going your way,” explained cannabis entrepreneur Ross Haley. He adds, “Unfortunately, in the modern age, there are far too many people who believe in the myth of overnight success. That sort of success is a flash in the pan and won’t last. It has no quality control behind it. To build something significant takes time, effort, and experience. But if you build it, they will come, and what’s more, they will trust your product and your brand because you have a reputation for consistently delivering the goods come rain or shine.”

As someone who has worked in the cannabis industry all his life, Ross Haley was perfectly positioned to start the umbrella company Truth Enterprises. With brands such as LBS Distribution, Puff Pre-Roll, West Coast Trees, and Simply Cannabis under its wing, he certainly has his hands full. But as he’s quick to point out, “There are far too many entrepreneurs who have this approach that they can be a Jack-of-all-trades in business. But you know how the saying goes, ‘Jack-of-all-trades, master of none!’ I work and specialize in the cannabis industry because it’s what I know, and it’s what I love. It’s essential to know the industry you work in inside out, and it’s crucial to be consistent in how you operate. A client’s trust is not given easily; you need to be consistent and build that bond over time. It’s something I’ve always prided myself upon.”

As a company that believes in perpetual evolution, Truth Enterprises has dynamic plans to expand and grow in an increasingly competitive marketplace. Yet, the cornerstones that will allow this expansion to build have not changed from day one. They are incredibly high levels of customer service, providing the right products at a price consumers can believe in, and innovating new ways to provide fully comprehensive customer service.

Ross Haley explains, “Building a brand is like building and renting out a house. First, you need a strong foundation, and then, you need quality materials and experienced tradespeople to ensure it’s built right. Additionally, you need to pay close attention to every single aspect of everything else, or the whole will suffer. And lastly, you need to constantly monitor and maintain that house to ensure whoever’s living there receives the best experience that money can buy. It’s all about consistency and winning people’s trust.”

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