10-Year Pro Sean Shepherd: How to Safely Invest your Money in Digital Currencies

Sean Shepard

Any investment is risky, and cryptocurrency is one of the riskiest investment options out there. Yet simultaneously, digital currencies are the most in-demand commodity that can be extremely profitable if properly mastered. If you’re thinking about entering the world of digital assets, these tips from cryptocurrency expert Sean Shepherd will help you make an informed decision.

Future Relies on Digital Assets

The events of 2020 have once again demonstrated that nothing in the world is permanent. This thesis also touched upon the financial markets. A year ago, investors clutched their heads as there was practically no asset in which they could invest safely. Even gold’s price fell, which seemed to investors to be something unshakeable and permanent.

The industry’s deteriorating situation necessitated quantitative easing and the release of so-called helicopter money, which literally took the falling stock market by the arms and put it on crutches. Those in the know shifted their attention towards bitcoin as a defensive asset that would protect their money from depreciation during the crisis. Bitcoin’s value has risen dramatically in a single year, from $ 7.4 thousand in January 2020 to $ 64 thousand in April 2021.

Importance of Diversification

Diversify with asset classes (like digital assets) as well as strategies like active trading”, says Sean.

Diversification is critical to the success of any investment strategy. This also applies to bitcoin investments. Don’t throw all of your money into bitcoin simply because the term seems familiar. There are dozens of additional alternatives, and it is preferable to spread your money over as many currencies as possible.

Transcend Your Limiting Self

The cryptocurrency market is extremely volatile, so be prepared for ups and downs. You will often have to deal with significant price fluctuations. If this is too much of a hassle for your investment portfolio or mental state, it is best to avoid dealing with cryptocurrency altogether.

The moment you say, no, that is not right, you won’t learn or take in any new knowledge. Make no mistake – we will not recognize this world in the next decade or two. Hop on, learn, grow and enjoy the ride!”, says Sean.

Invest Wisely

It is critical to be skeptical of the hype that surrounds cryptocurrency projects. People often invest blindly in projects with illusory or non-existent prospects. The greater the influx of people, the faster the bubble inflates. A bubble of this type rarely lasts more than a year; the project depreciates and sinks to the bottom, taking with it people’s investments and hopes for profit.

This is why investing in proper trading education is necessary for becoming a successful crypto trader. Sean Shepherd founded his crypto-education platform SimpVest with this very goal in mind: to help newcomers devise unmistakable strategies for wise investment and ensure skyrocketing income for themselves.

Want to know more about the best investment strategies out there? Sign up for SimpVest’s free workshop to get started on your path towards ever-increasing success.

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