Rocky Lee Is The Music Industry’s Million Dollar Manager

Rocky Lee
Rocky Lee Is The Music Industry’s Million Dollar Manager


Rocky Lee was born in the Bronx and brought up in Brooklyn, just like the hip-hop star, Biggie. He is the music industry’s go-to man behind the curtains. From a very young age, he was very interested in music and wanted to work in the music business. At 18 years old and soon to be a millionaire, he started to DJ and climbed up the ladders, and reached his goals. People were naturally attracted to him due to his vibrant personality. He surrounded himself with like-minded people and made a lot of connections. He eventually started his label and invested in upcoming talents in New York.

R​ocky Lee’s passion for music is different than most people and he has an eye for new talent. He has successfully invested in thousands of new talent and funded their tours. He has helped these new artists reach their goals. With multiple business ventures generating millions annually, not only has he successfully changed artist’s lives forever, but Mr.Lee has given back to the community by conducting giveaways to giving back to those in need including his loyal 120k+ fan base on Instagram.

Mr. Lee has major plans in the works for his artist ​@CASCIONJ who is a phenomenal singer/songwriter. Teenagers are his biggest supporters and Rocky Lee is quickly becoming a household name and a leader for the youth proving that hard work, passion, and dedication is all you need to accomplish your dreams. Follow Rocky Lee on Instagram @Rockylee_ for updates

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