Thunder Bay – NEWS – The winter roads in Northern Ontario remain open. Warmer weather conditions as spring nears means that conditions and road status could change quickly.
This is not an official road notice and should not be used to determine whether road conditions are safe for travel.
It is strongly encouraged that all travelers to contact the First Nation for the most up to date information on the winter road status prior to traveling, including whether roads are open for travel as temporary closures do take place on the roads, even when at full load capacity.
When roads are identified as closed it could be for various reasons.
Please contact communities for possible reopening dates.
Information is updated as there are source information updates from the communities. Where new information isn’t received from the community, the load capacity listed as per the previous weeks information.

As of Friday, March 5, 2021:
Road Capacity Overview – 31 Winter Road Connected Communities
Communities Under construction: 2
Communities Open to Light: 2
Communities Open to Partial: 12
Communities Open to Full: 15
Partially or Temporarily Closed: 11
Corridor One – Western Corridor: Pikangikum, Poplar Hill, North Spirit Lake, Deer Lake, Sandy Lake, Keewaywin
Under Construction: N/A
Open to Light: N/A
Open to Partial Loads: Keewaywin
Open to Full Loads: Poplar Hill, North Spirit Lake, Sandy Lake, Pikangikum, Deer Lake
Temporarily Closed: Pikangikum however open to freight
Corridor Two – Central Corridor: North Caribou Lake, Muskrat Dam, Bearskin Lake, Sachigo Lake, Cat Lake
Under Construction: N/A
Open to Light: Cat Lake. Sachigo Lake
Open to Partial Loads: Muskrat Dam, Bearskin Lake
Open to Full Loads:: North Caribou Lake
Temporarily Closed: Sachigo
Corridor Three – Middle Corridor: Kingfisher Lake, Wunnumin Lake, Wawakapewin, Kasabonika Lake, Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug, Wapekeka
Under Construction: N/A
Open to Light: N/A
Open to Partial Loads: Wunnumin Lake, Wawakapewin, Wapekeka, Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug, Kingfisher Lake, Kasabonika Lake
Open to Full Loads: N/A
Temporarily Closed: KI and Wapekeka however freight is still moving
Corridor Four – Eastern Corridor: Neskantaga, Nibinamik, Webequie, Eabametoong, Marten Falls
Under Construction: N/A
Open to Light: N/A
Open to Partial Loads: Eabametoong, Marten Falls
Open to Full Loads: Neskantaga, Nibinamik, Webequie
Temporarily Closed: Webequie, Nibinamik
Corridor Five – Far North Corridors: Moose Cree, Fort Albany, Kashechewan, Attawapiskat, Weenusk, Fort Severn
(please note, Moose Cree is not constructing southern road, Wetum Road, this year, however, the community will connect to the Township of Moosonee)
Under Construction: Fort Severn, Weenusk
Open to Light: N/A
Open to Partial Loads: N/A
Open to Full Loads: Fort Albany, Moose Cree, Kashechewan, Attawapiskat
Temporarily Closed: Fort Albany, Moose Cree, Kashechewan, Attawapiskat however freight is still moving.
Other Winter Road Connected First Nations: Temagami, Animaki Wa Zhing #37, Northwest Angle #33
Under Construction: N/A
Open to Light: N/A
Open to Partial Loads: Temagami
Open to Full Loads: Animaki Wa Zhing #37, Northwest Angle #33
Temporarily Closed: Northwest Angle #33