Thunder Bay – WEATHER – Environment Canada has issued an Extreme Cold Warning for the City of Thunder Bay.
Extreme Cold Warning in effect for:
- City of Thunder Bay
A multi-day episode of very cold wind chills is expected.
Extreme wind chill values of minus 40 to minus 45 this morning, then again tonight and Monday night.
There will be some improvement during the afternoons as temperatures warm slightly, before temperatures fall again in the evenings.
The extreme cold may continue for the remainder of the week with wind chill values approaching minus 40 each night.
Thunder Bay – Alert to Community
As part of the COVID-19 Cold Weather Response Plan, the City is issuing an alert to the community because of extreme weather conditions. Environment Canada indicates there is a multi-day episode of very cold wind chills expected. Extreme wind chill values of minus 40 to minus 45 are expected tonight and Monday night.
Residents are encouraged to check in with vulnerable friends, neighbours and family to ensure they are not experiencing any difficulties related to the weather. Populations at greater risk include infants and children, elderly, people with chronic conditions (i.e. heart diseases, respiratory diseases, or asthma), outdoor workers, sports enthusiasts, and people lacking proper shelter, clothing or food.
Residents can take precautions to prevent cold related-injury by:
- Dressing in layers of warm clothing
- Covering hands, feet and head are with a hat, scarf, insulated gloves, and waterproof boots
- Checking ears, nose, cheeks, chin, fingers, and toes for signs of frostbite regularly
- Rescheduling, reducing time or cancelling any planned outdoor activity
- Keeping infants and children inside
Due to the increased risks for individuals experiencing homelessness, the City is reminding the public that shelters and warming services continue to be available. These include two, 24-hour emergency shelters – Salvation Army and Shelter House, the Out of the Cold Program at Grace Place, and the Warming Centre at PACE. Local outreach workers also have bus tickets for people to get to shelter. Shelters will also relax service restrictions and continue to allow individuals to remain inside.
Wind burn, trench foot and frost nip are common during cold weather. In extreme cases, frostbite and mild or severe hypothermia may occur. It is essential to also consider COVID-19 prevention measures such as wearing a face mask and keeping a two metre physical distance with others.
If you see someone on the street who needs assistance due to the cold temperatures, call Street Outreach Services at: 620-7678. For medical emergencies, call: 911. For more information and tips to staying warm during Extreme Cold Weather Alerts, visit: www.thunderbay.ca/ColdWeatherResponse