Is Copywriting Your Thing? Here Are 5 Tips By Justin Goff On Hitting The 6-Figure Mark & Beyond


Justin Goff is best known for helping direct response marketers and business owners to convert their offers on cold traffic. He grew his own supplement company from 0 – over $23 in sales in just under three years by focusing on cold traffic growth. He is an innovator in the digital marketing space.

Currently, Justin runs a program called Copy Accelerator, which helps online entrepreneurs and copywriters get their offer converting cold traffic. He is one of the highest-paid marketers in the world of freelance projects, and he is set out to help others achieve their online world goals. Here are some of his secrets on how to make it big as a copywriter.

  1. Continuous Improvement

The digital space is fast-paced, and things change very quickly. To make a successful copywriter, one has to adapt to stay relevant. With copywriting, you never stop improving, and you have to continually invest in yourself to be the best in your space. When Justin Goff started his career, he knew little about copywriting. He went from losing money in ads to breaking even, to earning a profit. Now he charges up to $150K for projects to help companies attract and convert leads. You can only get better when you keep on learning.

  1. Connect With The Readers

The success behind every successful content is the ability to connect and engage with the audience. With so much content available online and competition coming from every angle, a copywriter’s sole focus should be on making their content unique by writing content that connects with the audience on an emotional level. The message should be about the reader and not about you, or the products and services that you are promoting. The question that the audience should be able to answer with your message is: what is it in it for them? Justin Goff advises that good copywriting should address one or two of a customer’s pain points or emotions. Crafting your content along solutions helps to connect with the readers. When you connect with the audience, then conversion becomes easier.

  1. Know Your Landscapes

Online content is on the surge, and the demand for great copywriters is unprecedented. However, to be competitive and have an edge in the sector, copywriters need to understand the latest trends in SEO, social media, and digital marketing. Justin Goff has manoeuvred different strategies to understand what works in copywriting. Good copywriters strive to understand their environment so that they can craft messages relevant to the particular niche. They play a crucial role in how a product is performing, and people perceive it. The key to success as a copywriter is to communicate the right message to the right audience at the right time in a way that is engaging and captivating. The best way to do this is to make your messages as crystal clear as possible.

  1. Seek Feedback

When you want to improve your craft, it is essential to measure the performance of your content. Asking for feedback from other industry players can help you improve your content to package the message appealingly. When developing content for a target audience that is different from yourself, it may be challenging to express yourself with words that they use. Goff urges copywriters to understand their audiences and look for opportunities to learn from other copywriters who are in the same niche.

  1. Do Proper Research

This point ties to the one above. If you are starting with copywriting, you may not have the level of understanding about the consumers, to enable you to connect with them well. Doing considerable research on the products/services, and the consumers can give you great insights into the market. Goff says that copywriting is just ‘salesmanship in print.’ Therefore, the skill to develop content that is engaging is by learning as much as possible about the consumers so that you can provide content that is hard to stop reading. Justin got into online marketing because of a gambling debt in college. He had no idea how to make a website or run a business. He has taught himself through research and even earning millions of single-handedly. There is no limit to what you can do if you commit to learning and improving your skills.

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