DRYDEN – Dryden Police are reporting on a number of incidents recently. It appears Dryden residents are still being targeted over fraudulent jewelry sales.
Damage to City Property
On October 5, 2018, City of Dryden Officials reported damage City property. A bathroom at Pronger Park was spray-painted, and a sink was removed from the washroom at Earls Court.
Bear Sightings in Dryden
On October 6 and 7, 2018, a bear was reported on West River Road. Police are reminding homeowners to remove items from their property that are known to attract bears such as garbage, apple trees and barbeques.
More Fraudulent Jewelry Sales occurring in Dryden
On October 9, 2018, Dryden Police received a call of 2 males driving a Silver BMW SUV selling fraudulent jewelry in the Husky Parking lot. Police are reminding the public not to make any purchases from individuals or groups travelling through Dryden selling what may appear to be authentic jewelry. The Dryden Police Service has made several arrests over the summer and can report that none of the jewelry seized is authentic.