Are You An Aggressive Driver?

Are you an aggressive driver

NEW YORK – LIVING – 80% of drivers engage in some form of road rage annually, according to the Creditdonkey website. More often than not, such reactions result in the harm of other people on the road, not to mention the loss of property. You might have noticed such drivers on the road, but have you ever wondered whether you are an assertive or aggressive driver?

Aggressive driving

Modern day life is rife with situations such as time crunches, traffic delays, rude drivers and stress in general. In the midst of these mixed feelings, you might turn into an aggressive driver who not only introduces some level of threat to your life but also risks the lives of other road users. However, aggressive driving only transitions into road rage once you act out and try to harm others on the road.

Here are a few details to gauge whether you are an aggressive drive and what you can do about it:

What Causes Aggressive Driving?

Aggressive driving is a way of driving that puts the lives of other road users at risk. When stressed, drivers tend to act out in ways that can be seen as a nuisance by most drivers. While some will ignore traffic lights and shout at other road users, others will tend to tailgate other cars, weave through traffic or even cut off motorists.

In some cases, drivers feel some sense of power while in the territory of their car which might make them act out, according to the Driving Guide website. Other drivers inherit the aggressive behavior from watching their parents drive in the same manner. What makes this even worse is that traffic congestion is anticipated to increase over the years which means an increase in the rates of aggressive driving.

Signs You Are an Aggressive Driver

Aggressive driving starts with a single feeling which gradually develops into strong emotions. This makes it tough to identify immediately it happens. In case you feel bothered, or frustrated when driving behind a slow motorist, then this might be a sign that you are an aggressive driver.
Other signs include hitting the horn once a person takes a few seconds longer to move after the traffic lights turn green, you refuse drivers to move into your lane during the last minute or even tailgate and fail to signal other drivers through your indicators when turning. Learning to cope with your behavior is the best way to prevent turning a simple scenario into a road rage situation which could leave you on the wrong side of the law.

How to Avoid Being an Aggressive Driver

Other than being a safety concern, road rage can result in serious expenses, not to mention most insurance companies will raise your payment rates after such a situation. Among the best ways to prevent being an aggressive driver is to reschedule your time to avoid traffic peak hours. You can also use the common traffic apps to determine the best route to take to your destination, according to Joy of Android.

Avoid driving while angry. In case you must drive while stressed or angry, consider playing some soothing music to calm you down. Additionally, consider giving other drivers the benefit of the doubt when you think that they might be on the wrong side.

What If You Are The Victim?

Often, aggressive driving can be contagious. When an aggressive driver hits one of your nerves, you might respond, which will most likely escalate into an even worse situation. To avoid such a scenario, consider ignoring the attacks of such drivers.

Are you an aggressive driver

Instead of using techniques such as blocking their paths or even insulting them, give them some space to cool down. Also, avoid eye contact and drive to the nearest public area if the driver starts following you. Takinga defensive driving course is also one of the recommended proactive steps you can take to handle unexpected driving situations.


Being the reason behind the loss of lives or the damage of property can be traumatic. The best way to eliminate such a scenario is to avoid being an aggressive driver or frustrating an aggressive driver. Consider the above tips to play your part in making roads safer.


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