NIPIGON – A Waterloo man has been fined $4,500 for hunting offences under the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act.
Hussein Hamid pleaded guilty to unlawfully killing a cow moose and discharging a firearm carelessly. He was fined $1,500 and $3,000 respectively for the offences. In addition to the fines, he received a one-year hunting suspension and must complete the Ontario Hunter Education Course before he can purchase another hunting licence.
Court heard that on October 17, 2017, conservation officers responded to Hamid, who reported that while he had a license to hunt a bull moose, he had inadvertently shot a cow moose instead. The investigation determined that he stood in the middle of Black Sturgeon Road, northwest of Nipigon, and shot down the roadway illegally. The moose was forfeited to the Crown and donated to a local First Nation.
Justice of the Peace Anna Gibbon heard the case in the Ontario Court of Justice, Nipigon, on February 26, 2018.
The ministry reminds the public that it is illegal and unsafe to shoot from, down or across a public road when hunting. It is also the responsibility of the hunter to take proper steps to harvest only the big game that they are licensed to hunt.
For further information on hunting regulations, please consult the Ontario Hunting Regulations Summary available at
To report a natural resources violation, call the MNRF TIPS line at 1-877-847-7667 toll-free any time or contact your local ministry office during regular business hours. You can also call Crime Stoppers anonymously at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477).