The Vision Quest is a rite of passage conducted each spring that enables men and adolescent boys to engage in an ancient ceremony, assisting them in the transition from one life stage to the next, with purpose and meaning.
TURTLE LODGE – It is true that all men must be initiated by Woman to understand life’s sacredness. And so it is that a young man must seek a vision for himself and his community on a Vision Quest and be initiated by Mother Earth. Each year we make a call for young boys and men of any age who wish to experience their rite of passage, to participate in a Vision Quest to be initiated by the Earth. The boys and men take to the land and fast for their vision or dream while they are encouraged and watched over by the Elders.
When is the next Vision Quest?
May 10 to 14, 2017
Where is the next Vision Quest?
We will begin at Turtle Lodge, Sagkeeng First Nation, Manitoba, with teachings and a sweat lodge. The young men will depart from Turtle Lodge for Manitou Api to do their Vision Quest at the sacred site. Following their Vision Quest, they will return to Turtle Lodge for final feasting and ceremony.
Directions to Turtle Lodge
Information about Manitou Api Sacred Site at Bannock Point – Whiteshell Provincial Park, Manitoba, Central Canada
Directions to Manitou Api
More Details
All young men are expected to camp (bring camping gear and tents) and stay onsite for the duration of the rites of passage. Young men under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult male mentor who will be expected to stay close by and be there for the duration. Mentors are also welcome to camp onsite. A list of local accommodation can also be found here:
Accommodations near Manitou Api
Interested in participating in the Vision Quest 2017?
Please email turtlelodge@mts.net to sign up!
Download Participation Package at Vision Quest 2017