FORT WILLIAM FN – Fort William First Nation has announced the new construction of eight- three bedroom homes located in a newly developed 21 lot subdivision, located off Little Lake Road on Fort William First Nation. This is a local effort where eight contractors from the community will be selected to build a home each to provide employment opportunities for the members of the First Nation. Request for tenders will be released shortly with construction scheduled to begin in the next few weeks.
“This housing project is just the start of increasing the amount of new home builds within our community to address the shortage of adequate homes for our members. Access to safe, affordable and quality housing is important to Fort William First Nation. These investments are improving the quality of life for low to medium income households.” says, Chief Peter Collins.
The total Loan/Contribution made by CMHC totals -$1,300,000.00
The total Contribution made by FWFN totals -$204,000.00
Total Value of the Project $1,504,400.00
“I am very excited that CMHC is investing in this home construction project in Fort William First Nation. Investing in social infrastructure in Indigenous communities is a key pillar of our Government’s strategy to create inclusive growth, and we are committed to making progress on improving housing outcomes in First Nations communities, like Fort William First Nation. I look forward to working with Chief Peter Collins over the coming year, as the Canadian Government will begin developing an effective long-term approach to supporting the construction and maintenance of an adequate supply of housing on reserve. This project is a positive step towards securing adequate homes for residents in Fort William First Nation.” added, MP Don Rusnak-Thunder Bay Rainy River.
Completion of the first phase of the Little Lake Road project is expected to be completed by August-September 2016. It is also anticipated that construction of another 13 homes will start this year that will fill the 21 Lot Subdivision.
“We are very pleased to support our partner, Fort William First Nation, in their efforts to provide safe and affordable housing to their community members.” stated, Adam Rose of Oshki Aski/True Grit Consulting.