“This hide-and-seek game being played by the employer and Ministry of Labour is prolonging the suffering and pain for Pascal’s family over a death that was preventable and for which no one has been held accountable,” says Marty Warren, Ontario/Atlantic Director of the United Steelworkers.
“Workplace fatalities should never be wrapped up so tightly in red tape that families are denied their right to know,” Warren said, adding that Goulet’s death should have been treated as crime scene, with full investigtion under provisions of the Criminal Code enacted in 2004.
“Instead, work resumed at the Lac Des Iles mine less than 18 hours after the Pascal was killed,” he said. “Now, the company is denying access to its final report. The Ministry of Labour and the company are also denying access to copies charges filed against North American Palladium under the Ontario Occupational Health and Safety Act.
“This is cruel and unusual punishment for Melanie and her two children,” Warren said. “The USW is continuing to work with the family and demand that these reports be made available in an open and transparent way. Our fallen brother deserves no less.”