ATTAWAPISKAT – Chief Theresa Spence, who has lead as Chief in Attawapiskat for two terms is seeking the role of Nishnawbe-Aski Deputy Grand Chief.
Chief Spence has also put in place that she will step down as Attawapiskat Chief on August 12 2015.
Over the past number of years, Chief Spence has lead Attawapiskat through some difficult times, and times when the community was front and centre as a symbol for First Nations.
The community was placed in third-party management by the government after declaring an emergency crisis for housing.
Chief Spence later led a protest on Victoria Island near the House of Commons to demand a meeting with the Prime Minister.
Nishnawbe-Aski Nation Chiefs are gathering in Aroland First Nation to choose their Grand Chief and Deputy Grand Chiefs. The election will be held on August 12, 2015 during the XXXIV Keewaywin Conference in Aroland First Nation (August 11-13, 2015).
Elections are held in accordance with the NAN Election Code.
Chief Spence has submitted her resignation as Attawapiskat Chief effective August 12th, depending on the results of the election for Nishnawbe-Aski Nation will likely determine her next steps in the political arena.