TIMMINS – POLITICS – Charlie Angus says his team is up and running and ready for the longest election campaign in memory. “This election is about change. Canadians are tired of the meanness and manipulation that have become the hallmark of Stephen Harper’s government. Nowhere is this more manifest than his cynical decision to game the system by calling an election on the August long weekend. For Stephen Harper it’s always about bending the rules to benefit him. People see through this and they are looking for a positive alternative to the politics of cynicism.”
Angus says across Northern Ontario he is hearing from people who are excited about the vision of Tom Mulcair and the New Democratic Party.
“Stephen Harper’s mishandling of the economy has led our nation into an economic dead end. His plan isn’t working for Northern Ontario. Middle-class families are working harder than ever but can’t get ahead. Canadian wages are falling, incomes are stagnant, household debt is skyrocketing and 200,000 more Canadians are out-of-work than before the 2008 recession.”
Angus says New Democrats will be running on practical solutions for restoring strength to the middle class and working to ensure that Canadian families become more secure.
“In Timmins-James Bay we have a huge team of volunteers. People are pumped. We will be working hard right across the region. If Stephen Harper thinks that an extra long campaign will drain our energy – he’s made a big miscalculation. This election is about change and we are ready to bring this positive change across Canada.”