THUNDER BAY – The federal Liberal Party appears to be taking aim at Thunder Bay Rainy River. Justin Trudeau the party leader will be in Thunder Bay on February 9th.
The Meet and Greet with Justin Trudeau in Thunder Bay will be held at the Da Vinci Centre. Tickets are free, and you must register online to get a ticket.
The event comes amid a growing field of candidates for the Liberal nomination in Thunder Bay Rainy River.
Fort William First Nation Chief Georjann Morriseau, and Vince Riccio are being joined, as first reported on NNL by Randy Boyd.
The seat is currently held by New Democrat John Rafferty.
The Liberal Party of Canada has given Randy Boyd its approval to seek the party’s nomination in the Thunder Bay-Rainy River riding.
Boyd, 59, is currently the minister at Trinity United Church on Algoma Street and a lecturer at Lakehead University.
Boyd says “His motivation for running comes from his dismay at the Harper government’s anti-science, divisive style of politics”.
“It’s not just the policies of the Harper government that are problematic. It’s the way they govern that is more worrisome. Huge omnibus bills that don’t allow for proper debate, the suppression of research and data collection, calling into question the integrity of the Chief Jus-tice of the Supreme Court, political dirty tricks, misleading advertising and divisive partisan tac-tics are tearing at the very fabric of our democratic institutions and national character. We need change. We need a new approach to politics that listens to all Canadians, not just the Harper base.”
A media statement from Boyd expressed the candidate has “Extensive experience in the riding, serving in Atikokan before coming to Thunder Bay twenty-five years ago. He believes that we need to restore the values inherently important to Canadians: integrity, honesty, inclusiveness and a concern for social justice and the maintenance of our social programs”.
Boyd states “I will make certain federal infrastructure funds are available to help the city pay for remedial sewer work in Thunder Bay’s Northwood and McKellar wards. He will push the federal government to use its authority over railroads to press CN Rail to resolve its dispute with the city of Thunder Bay over the James Street bridge”.
Boyd adds, “I will make certain federal funds flow to Thunder Bay to help with the city’s homeless population. He will work to restore funding to the Local Initiatives Program, the CBC to restore CBC Radio Thunder Bay’s afternoon show, and re-open the local Veterans Affairs office”.
“I think its time for Thunder Bay-Rainy River to be on the right side of a federal, majority government. Sending an opposition member to Ottawa has failed to solve some of this region’s basic problems. If we are to bring the economic advantages of the Ring of Fire to the Thunder Bay region, we need a fully-committed federal government. The Tories’ efforts to date have been downright obstructionist. A Justin Trudeau-led majority government will have a much dif-ferent approach to stimulating development across Northwestern Ontario.”