Thunder Bay Rainy River Liberals Crowd Nomination Race
THUNDER BAY – POLITICS – The race for the nomination in Thunder Bay Rainy River is getting crowded. Earlier this week, Fort William First Nation Chief Georjann Morriseau declared her nomination. Next on Friday, Vince Riccio announced he will also challenge for the nomination. On Friday, another candidate has entered the race.
Thunder Bay’s Rev. Randy Boyd wants to take on the Steven Harper Conservatives. The Minister of Trinity United Church is seeking the Liberal nomination for the Thunder Bay – Rainy River riding. Boyd, who is also a lecturer at Lakehead University says he wants to challenge the Harper government’s anti-science, divisive brand of politics:
“It’s not just the policies of the Harper government that are problematic. It’s the way they govern that is worrisome. Huge omnibus bills that don’t allow for proper debate, the suppression of research and data collection, calling into question the integrity of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, political dirty tricks, misleading advertising and divisive partisan tactics are tearing at the very fabric of our democratic institutions and national character. We need change. We need a new approach to politics that listens to all Canadians, not just the Harper base,” states Rev. Boyd.
Riccio started his campaign with a soft launch on social media.
Several terms ago, Riccio ran for Thunder Bay City Councillor. Now seeking the Liberal nomination he is returning to the political arena after returning to Thunder Bay after a stint of living in Mississauga.
The nomination race requires each candidate to sell memberships, and then have the members vote at the nomination meeting for the candidate of their choice. Contested nomination races in Thunder Bay have not be the usual at the federal level