ATTAWAPISKAT – UPDATED – As of 12:00 noon EST, Sgt. Jackie George from NAPs reports that police have a suspect in custody, and the community is safe.
“The male suspect in Attawapiskat has been taken into custody without further incident by the NAPS Attawapiskat Detachment members. Notifications by police to the community are currently in process. There is no longer a concern for public safety at this time,” states Sgt George.
On November 19, 2014, at approximately 8:30AM EST, Nishnawbe-Aski Police Service (NAPS) received a complaint about a shot fired within the First Nation community of Attawapiskat.
NAPS Attawapiskat Detachment are warning residents of a dangerous male that is wanted and still at large in the area. The male is approximately 36 years old and was reported to be last seen fleeing the scene into the nearby bush. Police are currently in the area of the male and have the area contained.
The local school on lockdown and the airport is currently closed. The Ontario Provincial Police will be assisting the Attawapiskat detachment members with this investigation.
This incident is currently under investigation and police remind the residents of Attawapiskat that public safety is the primary concern at this stage as the search continues. If you see anyone suspicious or if you believe you know the whereabouts of the male suspect do not approach him but call the NAPS Attawapiskat Detachment immediately at 705-997-2224.
NAPS is asking residents, “Do not share any information such as photos or locations of officers over social media outlets such as Facebook.”
Sharing that kind of information can lead to the possibility of injury to others, including NAPS Officers.
Attawapiskat First Nation is located approximately 630 kilometres north of Timmins, Ontario.