Mauro says, “It is important to city create a climate of economic opportunity that will allow people to raise their families and provide their children with the same chances for success that we enjoyed. I believe that Thunder Bay’s taxation rate must remain competitive so that area businesses can grow and create jobs, while keeping life affordable for the average family”.
Jim Mauro
Mauro says that one of the skills he brings to the table for City Council is the ability to ask tough questions and not back down until he gets answers.
Mauro is well known for his charity efforts having dedicated thousands of hours to help raise well over a million dollars for various groups including the homeless, children with disabilities and for medical research. Some of these organizations included the United Way, Easter Seals, Shelter House, George Jefferies, and the Northern Cancer Research Foundation.
Mauro also sited the creation of a breakfast program at Sherbrooke school while the Northwood community police officer as one of the most rewarding aspects of his career. He sees this as an example of how a few individuals can truly make a difference in the community.
Mauro’s other areas of concern are fully addressing Northwood’s long time drainage problems, the state of area roads and he is proposing an electronic voting system for City Council to record how each member of Council votes. Mauro believes this will improve both transparency and accountability on how the city is governed.
Mauro believes it is imperative to address community safety.
“Seventeen years ago I began publicly raising the issues about drug/alcohol abuse and it’s connection to mental health along with Thunder Bay’s high levels of violence. Over the past several years, there has been a greater recognition as to the size of this problem”.
Jim Mauro says, “Council needs people who will make the necessary decisions to reduce crime and bring back a sense of safety to the city”.
Mauro is looking forward to speaking with as many people in the ward as possible during the campaign and invites anyone with questions to contact him directly.
“By working together”, comments Mauro, “Thunder Bay can improve the lives of those who live here and make our community a safer place to raise our families. We have the ability, but we need individuals with the knowledge and willingness to fight for what is necessary to make it happen”.
Northwood Ward incumbent Mark Bentz is now facing, barring additional candidates running, two challenges. Shelby Ch’ng and Jim Mauro.