Northern Highways Can be Dangerous

THUNDER BAY – Like many residents of Northwestern Ontario, I have been concerned, if not frustrated, by the level of highway maintenance this winter. I’ve heard from a number of constituents all across my riding with examples of maintenance that clearly have not met the minimum standards that are in place; standards that must be met.
In that regard, I had a personal meeting with Transportation Minister Murray earlier this week, where I provided him with all the letters and e-mails I’ve received. I made it clear to the Minister that we need to ensure that our roads and highways are maintained at a standard that makes driving in the North safe, regardless of the challenges winter throws at us.Minister Murray certainly agreed with me, and committed to take measures to ensure that the work is properly done. The fact that MTO has levied fines on the companies providing winter road maintenance across the North provides me with assurance that the Minister takes this issue very seriously.I will continue to watch this issue very closely and I am very grateful for the constituents, from all across my riding, who have been ‘watchdogs’ on this matter of great concern.
Michael Gravelle MPP