Opportunity to Hand In Illegal Firearms and Weapons
THUNDER BAY – The Nishnawbe-Aski Police have enacted a weapons and gun amnesty.
A Gun Amnesty Period from now until to December 31, 2013 is in effect for communities served by the Nishnawbe-Aski Police.
This initiative is only for the Nishnawbe-Aski Nation communities that NAPS serves. NAPS states, “It is designed to help people safely and easily dispose of unwanted firearms, prohibited firearms, ammunition, other devices, and prohibited weapons by turning these items over to police without facing any charges”.
In a media statement NAPS states: “Illegal automatic firearms, ammunition, prohibited devices and weapons seized by the NAPS Guns & Gangs Unit over the past year indicate their presence in the communities served by NAPS. Removing these firearms from communities helps to keep the communities safe, and the best way to do this is to engage the public at the community level. The community will now be aware of the need to do its part and come forward with illegally possessed firearms”.
Following the completion of the gun amnesty period, anyone who possesses illegal firearms, prohibited devices and any accompanying ammunition may find themselves being investigated and most likely charged with a Criminal Code offence.
NAPS encourages everyone in the communities it serves to share this information with family, friends, neighbours and co-workers. The gun amnesty period’s success will rest with the public and the police working together to protect our communities from potential danger from illegally possessed firearms.
For more information people are encouraged to ask their local NAPS Detachment.