QUEEN’S PARK – Politics – Ontario Progressive Conservative Leader Tim Hudak in an open letter to New Democratic Party Leader Andrea Horwath is calling on the NDP to talk with him. The move comes as the Ontario PCs are seeking to topple the Ontario Liberal Government. The Ontario PCs are working to build enough support in the legislature to force an election.
The PCs are stating that Ontario is on the wrong track and must change direction. “The people of Hamilton are just the latest victims of McGuinty-Wynne policies that have seen this province lose over 300,000 manufacturing jobs over the last decade,” said PC MPP Jane McKenna, the Ontario PC Critic for Economic Development. McKenna was reacting to news that U.S. Steel will shut its iron and steelmaking operations in Hamilton, resulting in over 2,200 job losses.
“Under the McGuinty-Wynne Liberals, Ontario has lost 300,000 manufacturing jobs over the last decade, while adding 300,000 new government jobs,” asserts McKenna. “It’s really sad. This is just the latest company to leave Ontario and another sign that the Liberals have no plan for manufacturing. Without a plan, jobs will continue to leave our province.”
Tim Hudak Letter to Andrea Horwath
Andrea Horwath, MPP NDP Leader
Room 113, Main Legislative Building Queen’s Park
Toronto, Ontario. M7A 1A2 Dear Ms. Horwath:
Your lack of reply to my letter last Sunday asking you to help restore Ontario’s faith in its elected leaders, and to meet with me to bring an end to the Liberals’ established pattern of self interest has me troubled that you have already struck another backroom deal with the McGuinty-Wynne Liberals to continue to prop up their minority both now and in the spring. I hope you will confirm for me this is not the case.
A motion on the floor of the House is one of the strongest accountability tools we have as legislators. While you and the Liberals have pointed to legislative process as an excuse to avoid calling our Want of Confidence motion, this current motion is the only way to demonstrate to hard- working Ontario families and seniors that their cries of “enough is enough” have been heard, and that there is someone at Queen’s Park who is on their side.
These people want to know whether you are on their side with me, or whether you have lost your moral compass and will continue to support the Liberal government. I am very worried that as much as you talk about change, your definition of “change” simply means changing the terms for your alliance with the Liberal Party.
Change does not mean more reckless government spending, more lost jobs and more wasteful scandals such as the $1.1 billion in taxpayers’ money to cancel the gas plants for the self interest of saving two Liberal seats in the 2011 election. It means changing the team that leads to put Ontario on the right track.
It is one thing, therefore, to talk about “change” but quite another to stand up and deliver it with a real plan when you have that opportunity, as the Ontario PCs are with our 14 policy papers that chart a course to a more hopeful and prosperous Ontario. Ms. Horwath, I look forward to hearing from you soon to clarify whether you support our motion for change or whether you will continue to support a Liberal Party that has lost the respected authority to govern.
Having your support would make it clear that the majority of the House and the people of Ontario have been totally drained of their confidence in the Liberals. It will then be up to the Premier to ignore the will of the people.
Tim Hudak