Rain, Rain go away, Camp Quality wants to play

Camp Quality Gold Boxes
Camp Quality Gold Boxes

THUNDER BAY – At Camp Quality Canada, we believe in improving the quality of life for children living with cancer, and for their families. We want them to find joy and hope through the healing power of laughter and optimism, shared experiences and ongoing support. Northwestern Ontario’s signature summer camp is being held from July 13-19 at Camp Duncan on Loon Lake.

Camp Quality Blog 2013

That’s now! In fact right now ( Saturday evening) there is a dance party going on thanks to Mike from Party Sound, earlier pontoon boats driven by Rick, Bruce and Jamie gave the gang a tour of Loon Lake.
Camp Quality
Camp Quality – Youth and Mentors head out for a boat ride
Earlier cabins were decorated in the spirit of our Disney theme.
Linden ( a new camper) explains their awesome decorations
Linden ( a new camper) explains their awesome decorations
Children with cancer and their siblings, ages 3-18 are invited to attend Camp Quality and this year campers are ages 6-17. With such a diversity of ages, you would think it would be a difficult to plan, but this is a family and we take care of each other.
In fact, here is a note from one of our parents.
To the Camp Quality family,
Over the past several year, it was a special privilege for Jacklyn and Katelyn’s grandmother to bake many dozen ( up to 80 dozen) yummy cookies for all of you to enjoy at camp. It is something very special to the girls to carry on this tradition of baking and I thank you for allowing us the pleasure of doing so.
This year, as I spoke to Lynda about the amount of cookies to bake, here is how the request came to me. We would like to have 50-60 dozen assorted cookies, and THE LITTLE GOLD BOX”. I had to think for a minute and then realized what the “LITTLE GOLD BOX” contained. Ah , YES, the oatmeal/date cookies. I searched the house, high and low, for that “ LITTLE GOLD BOX” and to my dismay could not find it anywhere.
We decided that we could not, not send them, so did something different . So to all the kitchen staff, nurses, doctors, organizers, craft staff and directors that enjoy these cookies, THANK YOU for everything that you do for not just my children, but for all the children of Camp Quality.
To all the companions and campers, enjoy the cookies, and most importantly, enjoy camp.
P.S. Ladies and gentlemen, don’t think these will come easy , the girls have decided to make you all work for your” LITTLE GOLD BOX”
Thanks, The Spithoff Family
And they did. The organizers were required to write their names in the air with their butts and here we are with our “LITTLE GOLD BOXES”

Camp Quality Gold Boxes
Camp Quality Gold Boxes
This is our 12th year of being at Camp Duncan . We have established quite a routine and yearly we appreciate the support of many to bring it together. It was with great delight that we arrived at Camp Duncan to find a new cabin built. Thank you!
The boys that are in it this year, have made it very clear!
Camp Quality
No Girls Allowed – No matter how much we think children change, they are almost the same everywhere
So for tonight, I think it is time to wrap it up. It has been a busy day, including dropping into show our appreciation for the event Thunder Bay Strongman Competition that fundraised for our organization. These gentleman showed their muscle in their efforts to “lift the spirits of children with cancer”
Thunder Bay Strongmen
Strongmen at Thunder Bay’s Strongman competition were raising money for Camp Quality
To set the stage for Sunday, what does an Amethyst Mine tour, beach fun, Highlights for Hope, a bocce tourney and a “Crazy Hair” dinner as we experience the movie “Tangled” and welcome some supporters to dinner SOUND LIKE? I will tell you all about it in Blog #2!
P.S. Rain, Rain go away, Camp Quality wants to play
Camp Quality
This is the second year that NetNewsLedger.com has hosted the Camp Quality Northwest blog. We are pleased to support the work of Clara, the work of Camp Quality, and the ongoing battle to beat cancer. On a personal note, cancer has taken both of my grandparents, it tried to take my mom. There are few people in Northwestern Ontario who are not impacted by cancer. When cancer takes on children, it is time for us all to rally to help them.
Camp Quality will be connected this year by Tbaytel with Internet from East Loon Lake at the Thunder Bay United Church Camp Duncan.
Tbaytel Network

Find out more: Camp Quality

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