THUNDER BAY – Breaking News – Charles Cirtwill, the president of the Atlantic Institute for Market Studies in Nova Scotia is headed to Thunder Bay. The Atlantic Institute is a Halifax based think-tank. Cirtwell will be heading up the Ontario Governments new Northern Policy Institute.
The new head of the Northern Policy Institute will be based here in Thunder Bay.
Northern Policy Institute to be Headed by Charles Cirtwill
He has been at the Atlantic Institute for 12 years, and has family in the Thunder Bay area.
The Ontario Government announced the creation of the new Northern Policy Institute last August.
At AIMS, Cirtwill has been at the helm steering the organization for over a decade.
Cirtwill’s published works focus on government structure and organization, business-government relations, inter-governmental relations, performance measurement and accountability. He has spoken across Canada and the United States on the role of think tanks in society, the appropriate assessment of government activities and the use of school performance data to improve classroom practice and fully engage all education stakeholders.
His work on education, fiscal management, debt reduction, taxation, the growth of government, and the importance of government accountability regularly appears in local, regional and national media. He continues to expand his work in the area of government outcome reporting and accountability with a particular focus on education indicators/school performance, fiscal outcomes assessment, and municipal performance. He also maintains an active role as editor and contributor in AIMS research into the broader opportunites presented by the demographic shift and the associated labour shortage.