Thunder Bay Moving Forward

Councillor Rebecca Johnson
Councillor Rebecca Johnson - A trooper for a better city

THUNDER BAY – “Aboriginal is part of our community”, stated Rebecca Johnson. “It is a growing part of our community.”

The City of Thunder Bay is working hard to make our city a place where a culture of respect is an integral part of our city. That is a very key part of making Thunder Bay a truly 21st century community.

Lakehead University Pow Wow 101
Men’s Traditional Dancer – a strong and powerful protector in traditional culture

A City Moving Forward

Councillor Rebecca Johnson
Councillor Rebecca Johnson – A trooper for a better city

A city is only as strongest as its weakest residents. In Thunder Bay we have many positive efforts ongoing. The Crime Prevention Commission, the Anti-Racism Committee, and continued efforts by many groups across the community are making our Thunder Bay an ever improving city.

We have come a long way. We still have a long way to go. Racism, hate, drug and alcohol addiction are still part of our city.

Honestly the task of getting rid of these problems is a hard task and it will take huge effort and lots of support from all in the city who are working to live in the new ‘Emerging Thunder Bay’.

When you take the time to listen, and hear what many of the people in our city are saying you get mixed messages.

Some are working very hard to make the city inclusive and open. Others sadly are tied to ways of the past. Incidents of violence and hate happen in our city.

Accepting Change 

Idle No More John Duncan out as Aboriginal Affairs Minister Thunder Bay Mayor Keith Hobbs addresses Idle No More Gathering as Fort William First Nation Chief Collins and Joyce Hunter Listen - Photo by Jorja Wenjack
It was a peaceful rally at City Hall today for Idle No More

The City has created a campaign to combat hate in the city. The City of Thunder Bay Police Service is also active with Aboriginal Liaison Officer Larry Baxter tasked with investigating complaints of hate. 

The City, the Police, and growing numbers of our residents are taking the time and effort to make a real difference.

The actions of a few are not the reality in Thunder Bay. As growing numbers of Thunder Bay residents are finding, we are stronger together than we are divided apart.

James Murray

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James Murray or NNL offers news, information, opinions and positive ideas for Thunder Bay, Ontario, Northwestern Ontario and the world. NNL covers a large region of Ontario, but are also widely read around the country and the world. To reach us by email: Reach the Newsroom: (807) 355-1862