NDP Deliberately Misleading Northern Ontarians – Clement

Fednor Minister Tony Clement
Tony Clement FedNor
Minister Tony Clement

OTTAWA – Politics – Thomas Mulcair’s NDP is purposely misleading Northern Ontarians once again when it claims FedNor’s budget has been cut by 10%. Last year, it claimed FedNor was to be shutdown. Truth is, core funding to projects remain at the same level as previous years. FedNor continues to improve its efficiency to deliver on its mandate to support economic development, jobs and growth across the region.

Thomas Mulcair’s NDP has consistently stood against the interests of Northern Ontarians. They stood against Budget 2011 which would have provided funding for a Cyclotron at the Thunder Bay Regional Research Institute. The Cyclotron produces critical drugs for cancer treatment. They stood against Budget 2012 which created the Community Infrastructure Improvement Fund. The Fund supports high priority projects in Northern Ontario communities. By standing against Budgets 2011 and 2012, the NDP were against both the Mineral Exploration Tax Credit and the Small Business Hiring Credit. 

In contrast to the NDP, the Harper Government has taken strong action to support Northern Ontario’s forestry industry. The Pulp and Paper Green Transformation Program alone saved 2,372 jobs in Ontario. Since 2006, FedNor has supported 82 separate projects in Northern Ontario’s forestry sector.

The Harper Government is bringing renewed hope in the development of the Ring of Fire. Through Economic Action Plan 2013, $4.4 million over three years is being committed to FedNor for the Ring of Fire Capacity Building Initiative. This initiative aims to support First Nations in fully benefiting from the economic and business development opportunities made possible through the Ring of Fire.

 Conservatives MPs kept their promises to Northern Ontarians in regards to ending the wasteful and ineffective Long Gun Registry, contrary to Northern Ontario caucus members in Mulcair’s NDP’s: Charlie Angus (Timmins – James Bay), Glenn Thibeault (Sudbury), Claude Gravelle (Nickel Belt), and Carol Hughes (Algoma-Manitoulin-Kapuskasing) who all stood against.

 While Thomas Mulcair’s NDP has stood time and time again against the interests of Northern Ontario, our Conservative government continues to support jobs, growth and economic development in Northern Ontario and right across Canada.

Minister Tony Clement MP

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Tony Clement
Minister Tony Clement, PC, MP is a Canadian federal politician, President of the Treasury Board, Minister for the Federal Economic Initiative for Northern Ontario and Member of Parliament of the Conservative Party of Canada