In Appreciation of Excellent Care…


Garden of Hope
THUNDER BAY – Healthbeat – Every day, hundreds of people turn to the Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre for the care they need. Sometimes it’s for an ophthalmology or fracture clinic appointment. It may be for pre-natal care, or the birth of a child. Many people visit the Emergency Department because of an unexpected illness or injury. Others stay for longer periods for treatment of a chronic disease.

Many patients choose to demonstrate their appreciation for the care they receive through a donation to the Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Foundation. Often, they also include thank you notes to express their gratitude.

The following letter was recently received by a grateful patient, and is printed with permission:

My mother passed away at the Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre in August 2011. I am writing to tell you that I am most grateful for the kind, compassionate care she received not only during this last admission but also during all the times she required treatment at TBRHSC.

Please accept this donation of $1,000 to the Northern Cardiac Fund as a small token of my appreciation for the excellent care my mother received at TBRHSC.

Please also extend my sincere thanks to the nurses, staff and physicians who cared for my mother and assisted my family and me during the time of her passing. In particular I would like to acknowledge the following individuals who exemplified professionalism and compassion in the care they provided: Shelly (ED) who provided me with an explanation of my mother’s condition when I was in Edmonton and trying to obtain an update; Bonnie (ED) who took the time from her busy schedule and offered to let me speak to my mother on the phone; James (2A) who offered my daughter and me bedding, beverages, etc. so that we could stay the night; Cindy (2A) who took the time to let me know that my mother was being kept comfortable and given morphine for pain; Teresa (2A) who when my mother had passed, was empathetic and caring; Dr. Hassan who took the time to kindly explain my mother’s condition and progression and expressed his sympathy that nothing more could be done; and finally, Dr. Todd, to whom my mother’s care was transferred – he was also very kind and respectful.

The Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre is a lovely building but it’s really the people – nurses, staff and physicians – who make it an exceptional place by providing quality patient care.

Thank you so much.


Bernice Magee, RN. BScN, MN
Director, Health Professions Strategy and Practice – Projects & Planning
Alberta Health Services

Donations from grateful family members like Ms. Magee strengthen the morale of the everyday heroes who work at the Health Sciences Centre and help hundreds of patients. Behind every good caregiver is someone like Bernice who decided to help make a difference. To learn more about recognizing your every day hero through the Grateful Patient Program, please contact the Health Sciences Foundation at 345-HOPE (4673) or visit

What’s your story?

How has the Health Sciences Centre made a positive impact on you or your family? Share your story with us. Please contact 345-HOPE (4673) or visit

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Graham Strong
Graham Strong has worked with clients in a number of different industries including healthcare, legal, PR, retail, software, IT, B2B companies, education, direct mail, and others.