Minister Jason Kenney Address in Thunder Bay
THUNDER BAY – Minister Jason Kenney will address the Thunder Bay Immigration Forum providing a Global View of Diversity in the Canadian Economy.
Minister Kenney will address the Thunder Bay Audience on Thursday, October 23 2014 at the Victoria Inn.
The Immigration Forum will also feature a Job Fair for Immigrant/Newcomers/ International Students organized by Thunder Bay Multicultural Association – CEDC – Confederation College – Firedog – Lakehead University
When? Thursday, October 23, 2014 from 5pm to 9 pm
Where? Victoria Inn Embassy Room
Who? Open to all employers and businesses actively looking for employees and interested in hiring immigrants /newcomers.
How much to attend? Free! Light Refreshment provided
Benefits of attending this job fair:
You have access to a pool of qualified immigrants looking for employment opportunities in one place
What to expect regarding candidates:
Immigrants/ newcomers come from all over the world that has chosen Thunder Bay and the region to be their home. They bring various levels of work experience, education and communication skills. They are motivated, reliable, and have the drive to succeed in their new home.