Get the Real Facts on the Multiplex
On October 11, October 14 and October 18 Ray Smith, as Chairman of the Concerned Taxpayers of Thunder Bay published an Ad that was full of inaccuracies, half truths and outright false information. Our Group felt there was a need to respond to a number of the items he listed.
The public does not support it now – That is not a fact, but rather his belief, based upon his conversations with like minded. The Ipsos Reid Scientific Poll indicates 61% approval for the Events Centre.
Citizens were denied a vote on the Event Centre. How could you do so without a better knowledge of what that plan looks like. Why is a Municipal Election not satisfactory as a display of support or rejection?
The project as an arena. An arena is for hockey, an Event Centre is capable of hockey and a multitude of other activities, as clearly shown in Phases 1,2, and 3. The Event Centre will have superior acoustics and flexibility. There will be upgraded lighting, sound and storage, none of which we currently have.
Our Taxes are too high. Facts show we have the 9th lowest taxes of the 26 major cities in Ontario.
Our debt is going to increase by $15M by year’s end and that the total debt is $184M. Anyone can throw out figures, but where is the factual evidence? FACT is, our debt has decreased $31M since 2007 and we have more money in reserves than we owe. Our debt is NOT $184M either. Our credit rating has improved to AA-, which equates to better lending rates.
The 2nd phase of the Golf Links Road was debentured. This is standard practice for jobs of that type and magnitude. FACT is this is actually a good business practice.
Boulevard Lake dam work was not done this year. It is planned for next year and money has been set aside. Tenders came in higher than expected this year, which was a contributing factor.
Hundreds of millions of dollars are required for water and sewer upgrades. Where did that information come from? FACT is, the City has spent $252M in four years through the Infrastructure Renewal Plan.
We are facing a “Multitude of Lawsuits”. FACT is, a quick check shows there are very few law suits and all stand a good chance of being defeated. Also, there is insurance against Lawsuits.
Our City is unsafe and crime is rampant. This nothing but fear mongering. In 2012 Crime Rates fell by 17% and 2013 fell by 8%. Also, what does the level of crime have to do with the Event Centre? Please do not think that throwing more money at it is the solution.
Our Committee believes in Council’s process in place for the Event Centre and fully supports the direction taken, all based on 1/3 participation by all 3 levels of Government.
If you support the Event Centre Please join us on our Facebook Page “Citizens for a Downtown North Core Multiplex”
Our Committee believes in Council’s process in place for the Event Centre and fully supports the direction taken, all based on 1/3 participation by all 3 levels of Government.
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