First Nation Suicide / Tragedy: Chiefs of Ontario Stand in Solidarity

Wapakeka FN

THUNDER BAY – NEWS – Ontario Regional Chief Isadore Day issued a statement following the tragic suicide of two young people in Wapikeka First Nation:

This issue is complex, painful and must come a head — we simply cannot rest until the underlying and root causes of suicide are addressed.

To Chief Brennan Sainnawap, the family and Wapikeka First Nation, our deepest sympathies and condolence to you; our hearts and minds are also with you during this tragic time.

As we continue to assess and collaborate with all levels of government on suicide, First Nation agencies and organizations, we remember the families, the Youth, the leadership and we remember that tragedy and loss in this manner will require us all to pause and care for one another; especially those affected.

Chiefs of Ontario acknowledges, NAN, its First Nations, all agencies involved in helping – and we acknowledge and remember those dearly and precious departed young lives that leave this world in pain and in such an unjust and confusing manner.

I encourage all First Nation leaders in Ontario to take pause and extend thoughts prayers and any donations of food, crisis response services or financial donations to Wapekika First Nation at this time.

Personally, I offer my deepest and heartfelt sympathies to WFN and its families.

Isadore Day, Wiindawtegowinini
Ontario Regional Chief

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