Thunder Bay Fire Rescue Urges Caution with Fireworks Amid Hot, Dry Weather


In light of the persisting hot and dry weather conditions, Thunder Bay Fire Rescue has issued a strong advisory against the use of fireworks. While the current fire ban does not explicitly restrict the discharging of fireworks, the department is calling on the residents of the City of Thunder Bay to exercise extreme caution if they choose to light up the sky.

Safety Measures for Fireworks

Thunder Bay Fire Rescue suggests the following measures to ensure the safe use of fireworks:

  • Choose a safe area that is free of flammable materials to ignite fireworks.
  • Make sure to launch fireworks over an area that is also free of flammable materials.
  • Always have adult supervision during firework activities.
  • Keep fire suppression equipment at hand, such as a fire extinguisher or a garden hose.
  • After the fireworks display, check the area for any hot residue and ensure it is put out.
  • Remember, fireworks may only be discharged on private property and are not permitted on public lands.

“Fireworks Schedule”

Please note that fireworks are only permitted to be discharged on June 30th and July 1st, 2023.

Thunder Bay Fire Rescue implores all residents to adhere to the fireworks by-law to safeguard our community’s safety. For more information on the fireworks by-law, please visit or call 807-625-2103. Let’s keep our community safe while enjoying the spectacle of fireworks responsibly.

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