Northwest District Wildfire Report: High to Extreme Fire Hazard Across the Region

Wildfire Season - Waterbomber

Newly Confirmed Fires and Active Wildfires

THUNDER BAY – Wildfire Update – Three new fires were confirmed in the Northwest Region on the evening of June 20, 2023, according to the Aviation, Forest Fire and Emergency Services. Red Lake 37, located near Fly Lake, is being held at 0.1 hectares. Kenora 24, situated near Gagne lake, and Sioux Lookout 45, near Bow Lake, are both not under control, each also measuring 0.1 hectares and 5.0 hectares respectively, with the latter receiving air attack from waterbombers.

Currently, there are 33 active fires in the region, with 11 not under control, one being held, four under control, and 17 being observed.

Over the past 24 hours, three fires have been extinguished.

Significant Fires in the Northwest Region

Five significant fires are being closely monitored. Red Lake 28, north of Lac Seul First Nation, is not under control, measuring over 4,238.65 hectares. Sioux Lookout 7, north of Cat Lake First Nation, spans 16,002.79 hectares and is not under control, but hose lines have been established on the southern end of the fire. Nipigon 13, west of Ogoki Lake, and Nipigon 19, northwest of the same lake, are both not under control, measuring 3,077.3 hectares and 444 hectares respectively, with ongoing aggressive fire behaviour. Lastly, Red Lake 32, west of Poplar Hill First Nation, is being observed at 535.64 hectares.

  • Northwest Fires of Note:

    • Red Lake 28 is located 50 kilometres North of Lac Seul First Nation and is 4,238.65 hectares in size and not under control. Helicopter bucketing operations are providing support and focused on the northwest corner of the fire yesterday. Ignition opportunities are being assessed.
    • Sioux Lookout 7 is located north of Cat Lake First Nation and is 16,002.79 hectares in size. Hose lines have been established on the southern end of the fire while the northern section is being monitored. Ignition opportunities are being assessed. The fire remains not under control.
    • Nipigon 13 is located west of Ogoki Lake and is 3,077.3 hectares in size and not under control. The fire continues to display aggressive fire behaviour and values assessment and protection is ongoing. Heavy equipment and helicopter bucketing operations are providing support.
    • Nipigon 19 is located northwest of Ogoki Lake and is 444 hectares in size and not under control. Crews continue to establish and consolidate hose lines while helicopter bucketing operations continue to provide support. Excellent progress is being made.
    • Red Lake 32 is located 20 kilometres West of Poplar Hill First Nation at 535.64 hectares in size and is Being Observed. Ignition operations were conducted to bring the fires edge to natural boundaries. The fire remains on an island and will continue to be monitored.

Restricted Fire Zone Declared

In response to the extreme forest fire hazard, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry has declared a Restricted Fire Zone for the entire fire region of Ontario (Zones 1 to 36). Open air burning, including campfires, is prohibited within the boundaries of a Restricted Fire Zone, though portable gas or propane stoves may be used with extreme caution.

All burning permits are suspended until further notice. Residents are urged to report any wildland fires they encounter.

Report a Wildland Fire

To report a wildland fire located north of the French and Mattawa rivers, please dial 310-FIRE. To report a forest fire located south of the French or Mattawa rivers, please dial 911.

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