Roxy Herring on Being Stronger, Healthier, and Happier


    Focusing on those supposedly perfect body images and those quintessential couples/families can throw you into a deep depression, superimposing a sense of inferiority. You feel this urge to be like them and look like them because your brain starts to attach happiness and these perfect images in a single framework of satisfaction. That’s what wreaks havoc in our lives. Roxy Herring, a content creator as well as a self-made fitness professional, helps her followers set their expectations right and have well-thought-out plans to reach them.

    Roxy is determined to help people with their health and fitness goals regardless of where they stand economically. She has noticed in her research how many people couldn’t attain their ideals because of the hefty price of gym memberships and professional trainers. She was saddened because she couldn’t find the help she needed after her pregnancies and had to go through a postpartum weight loss journey on her own. Hence the creation of the Resolute Body and Mind app.

    In the Resolute Body and Mind app, you can find everything you need to turn over a new leaf. With gym plans, live workouts, daily meal plans, and monthly cookbooks,  this app has everything you need for your journey to become healthy and fit.

    Keeping this in mind, she created the Resolute Body and Mind app to fill the gap she found in the market for people who want the fitness program for less money. Being a mother of two, Roxy fully understands the struggles of having a busy life and barely having time to work on yourself. Being in the same boat, Roxy built the app to alleviate roadblocks and help people fully enjoy happy and healthy lives.

    Roxy has been able to reach many people with her app and helped and motivated them by sharing her story too. She had a tough childhood, leaving her with mental illnesses she couldn’t work out and regulating the resultant complex mess of emotions. After her pregnancies and postpartum, she worked on herself and learned to maintain her diet and exercise to make her feel better, all without going to the gym. It took her eight years to reach her goals, but it was a fulfilling and educational experience. Roxy maintained her commitment to getting better and consistent workouts, which helped her achieve her objectives. She did this without spending a fortune on gyms and diet.

    Her app allows people with specialized physical and medical concerns to customize their experience and get the help that they so desperately need. The app helps people by suggesting daily workouts, gym plans, and daily food intake for optimal results. Roxy is determined to make the lives of people all around the world better for good and provide monthly recipes for her picky clients. She believes in a balanced lifestyle that will end up attaining all the body goals and health objectives of her app users.

    Getting stronger, healthier, and happier can only be done with unconditional and consistent support, which is also provided in the app Resolute Body and Mind for its users. Roxy believes in healing mentally and physically, which can be achieved within a community. She provided that in her app, which has helped so many people gain a community where they are accepted and appreciated for their hard work.

    It is Roxy’s dream to help more people around her to the best of her abilities because she believes that if she had an app like Resolute Body and Mind, it wouldn’t have taken her so long to achieve her goals and objectives. She is determined to make fitness easier for everyone, hence her app.

    Follow along Roxy’s journey on her Tiktok @roxyh_fitness and Instagram @roxyh_fitness.

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