Alex Sattley: From College Athlete to Social Media Millionaire

Alex Sattley: From College Athlete to Social Media Millionaire

Growing up in Portland, Oregon, Alex Sattley knew from a young age that he wanted to run his own company. He decided to venture back home and establish a social media company, Grow Social. As a result of his hard work, his company is now worth more than $10 million dollars.

In addition to owning a multi-million dollar social media company, Alex is passionate about traveling, learning new skills, and testing out new products. His childhood was spent moving around the country as he played college basketball before becoming passionate about social media. As CEO of a successful agency, he has helped many clients start businesses, manage money, and earn more than they’ve ever made before-  which ultimately allowed them to advance their own careers.

Alex plans to own ten properties in the next five years, with a net worth of $10 million dollars. To accomplish this goal he focuses on a solid work ethic, staying consistent, and involves his friends, family, and colleagues in his aspirations. Though his goal will be no easy feat, Alex is sure it will payoff tenfold in the end. Every morning he tells himself that consistency is key, writing down his intentions on paper and leaving it on his desk as a reminder of his path to success. Alex’s views on effective communication include asking others to assist with tasks in an effort to help achieving a common goal. 

Alex is always moving towards his goals by expanding out of his comfort zone and his willingness to explore new things. His approach to business is very simple and it has proven to be quite successful. With over 50k+ followers on Instagram, he has been able to use the platform to showcase and promote his business to many who wouldn’t have otherwise known of it previously. 

“I’ve learned a lot about entrepreneurship through experience, and it’s largely a never-give-up, grind-for-it-no-matter-what attitude. It’s essential to be consistent when it comes to entrepreneurship because if you’re inconsistent you’ll find that you won’t be able to achieve anything. Lastly, communication is key!  There is no question that communication is critical in business, and staying on top of it from day one is important.”

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