Super Top Up Health Insurance: 5 Benefits You Need to Know

Health insurance is one of the most important investments you can make for your family’s future. If you still haven’t got cover, the soaring cost of medical care which is rising at an unbelievable rate year on year should be more than enough to make you invest.

 If you have insurance, congratulations, you have been smart and invested in something that will safeguard the health and well-being of your family.

However, sometimes just having a basic health cover isn’t enough and you should consider going in for a super top up health insurance to enhance your existing cover and secure your family in case the basic health cover proves inadequate. The additional cover which is up and above the sum insured on your existing policy acts as a financial backup in case the treatment costs cross a certain ceiling. Moreover, unlike a regular plan, you can make multiple claims with a super top up health insurance policy.

Let’s look at a few benefits that you get by opting in for this additional health cover!

It’s a flexible plan

With this plan, you can go as high as 55 lacs in coverage and also have the option of choosing your deductible. Having the option to choose your deductible is a vital benefit because it helps you decide how much you can afford to spend from your pocket before the policy kicks in.

Moreover, the higher coverage amount should be more than enough to deal with any exigencies without having to dig into your savings.

Annual Health Checkups

No matter your claim history, all adult members who are insured under the policy have access to free annual health checkups which is important since it helps in the early detection of illnesses and lets you take preventive action before they can cause any severe damage.

Worldwide Coverage

You can get treated for select medical treatments anywhere in the world under the policy. By offering worldwide coverage, the policy lets you access cutting-edge medical care including upcoming promising treatment options that might not be currently available in the country.

Day Care Treatment Options

Many treatment options and medical procedures don’t require extensive hospitalization and can be taken care of within a few hours. 

Super top up health insurance allows you to access such treatment options even if your basic health insurance policy doesn’t offer such coverage.

No Sub Limits

Sub-limits are essentially caps on treatment costs, meaning there is a predetermined amount that the health insurance offers for specific treatment options.

Anything up and above the sub-limit will have to be borne by you. Opting in for a super top-up plan allows you to bypass this limit as it comes with no sub-limits on doctor’s fees, ICU charges, consumables, etc.

The advantages and benefits that a super top up health insurance offers beyond regular health insurance are something that you cannot ignore, and you shouldn’t if you value your family’s well-being.

A 5-10 Lac health policy might seem like a good enough coverage for now; however, there is no harm in going in for additional coverage since inflation rates are at an all-time high and as the cost for accessing quality medical care keeps going up, you will be thankful in the long run for opting in for a super top-up plan.

Care Health Insurance offers one of India’s most comprehensive health coverage that gives you access to premium medical care at an affordable premium. All of their health insurance plans, and top-up coverage gives you access to cashless hospitalization across16500+ health care providers in India with lifelong renewability.

So, if you are thinking of getting an insurance policy or a top-up plan to enhance your existing health coverage, do check out their plans.

The importance of having a super top up health insurance policy cannot be stressed enough in a world where new diseases can quickly become a pandemic and lifestyle diseases are becoming common by the day.

So, if you still don’t have a top-up plan, it’s time to get one to secure your family’s health as well as your financial well-being!

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