Is BetterHelp A Legitimate Online Therapy Platform?

Is BetterHelp A Legitimate Online Therapy Platform?

With an ongoing pandemic, one needs to take good care of their health by observing all guidelines provided by professionals. These include but are not limited to observing social distancing, regular sanitation, and avoiding crowds or areas that are of high risk. However, now more than ever it is also necessary to pay attention to our mental health which plays a crucial role in our overall well being.

Ways to take care of our mental health

In the same manner that there are plenty of ways to stay in shape and good health physically, the same applies to our mental health. Some of the ways in which one can ensure that they are doing well include:

  • Setting boundaries

With the working from home setup, it can get easy for the boundaries between work and home to get blurred. People are now finding themselves working well post office hours and not setting up a time for themselves or their families. To avoid burnout and frustration, it is necessary to set up a routine and defined times for work and personal life. This will ensure that both thrive equally.

  • Good nutrition and exercises

You have heard the saying, you are what you eat. Certain foods have been proven to have an impact on our productivity and well-being, as they directly help to boost brain function. Blueberries, strawberries, and dark chocolate are just a few examples of foods with antioxidant properties, and that can help reduce inflammation and oxidative stress. Regular exercise, on the other hand, does help to release endorphins which can help improve our overall mood.

  • Communication

Sometimes the daily grind of life can prove to be a little too much, and it is in times like these that we need some extra help. If you are going through a problem, you can consider confiding in a loved one and allowing them to provide the support that you need. Alternatively, you may opt to get some more professional help, for instance by talking to a therapist.

Betterhelp for Therapy

So what is BetterHelp?

BetterHelp is an online therapy platform where a person can sign up and receive therapy virtually. It is a platform home to a large number of qualified professionals to provide counseling for whatever issue that you may be going through.

Why BetterHelp?

With the pandemic still ongoing, a lot of people have turned to virtual means to obtain services, such as shopping, schooling, and work. In some cases, medical and professional services are being offered remotely as well, where possible. BetterHelp is therefore one of these platforms that are especially helpful as it provides a way for you to connect to a wide number of professionals that can help with various issues. Whether you are dealing with depression, anxiety, panic attacks, or grieving loss, the platform will match you with a therapist best suited for you. It will help you to get the assistance you need.

Is Betterhelp worth it?

Signing up on such a platform is a step towards progress, as it will place you in a position to get the help that you need. The platform provides you with the option of either communicating via messaging, live phone sessions, or video call sessions. For some people, communicating in person may prove to be a little intimidating, and as such, the messaging option comes in quite handy. It can enable them to open up via text until they are more comfortable to have a live call session if the need be. BetterHelp is also advantageous as there is a wide variety of qualified professionals who can provide counseling for different issues. Whatever you may be going through, therefore, you will get a good match of a therapist who can help you. Moreover, worry not, since if you do feel the need to change a therapist, you can do as well.

The platform is quite great for a person who does not mind having virtual counseling sessions, as it provides you the flexibility to have a session from wherever you are, even the comfort of your home. Furthermore, the platform has taken measures to ensure that your data remains private and confidential, such as encryption of all the messages between you and your therapist. Moreover, you do have the option of shedding messages from your account, if you wish to.

You can opt to try BetterHelp for a while, as it gives you the freedom to select how long you would like to stay with the program. The billing only starts once you are paired with a therapist. Furthermore, you can cancel anytime.


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