Usman Afzal Pakistan’s Digital Marketer Has A Network Of Over 50 Million Readers

Usman Afzal

Usman Afzal, a native of Faisalabad, has been involved in digital marketing, content marketing and website digitization for the last three years and currently has a network of over 50 million readers. He also works for many celebrities, including Pakistan cricketer Saeed Ajmal.

Usman Afzal wanted to work in the digital field since childhood and over time he changed his passion into his profession. However, he studied in the Faculty of Arts and then he ventured into the IT sector, in which he developed his own digital marketing business.

They currently help many individuals who run news portals to develop their portals and use their readers network to bring traffic to their portals. The network of readers is more than 50 million. It also helps with web development and digitization. So that the news portal connected to them can grow well.

Currently Usman is planning to take his company to the global level and for that he is also building a network of readers associated with different languages. So that it can help digitalize portals and blogs in every language.

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