Single Motor Vehicle Collision Leads to Impaired Charges

Impaired Driving numbers are up in Thunder Bay. What should be done?

(SHUNIAH, ON) – A single motor vehicle collision leads to impaired charges by the Thunder Bay Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP).

On March 17, 2024, just after 5:30 a.m., members of the Thunder Bay OPP Detachment responded to a single motor vehicle collision on Lakeshore Drive in Shuniah. There were no serious injuries reported to police as a result.

Through investigation, it was determined that the driver was impaired by alcohol. The driver was subsequently placed under arrest and transported to the Thunder Bay OPP Detachment for further testing.

As a result, Thalia LOPEZ, 25-years-old, of Thunder Bay, has been arrested and charged under the Criminal Code with:

·        Operation While Impaired – Alcohol and Drugs

·        Operation While Impaired – Blood Alcohol Concentration (80 plus)

The accused has been released from custody and is scheduled to appear before the Ontario Court of Justice in Thunder Bay on April 30, 2024.

The OPP remains committed to taking alcohol/drug-impaired drivers off our roads through enforcement and public education. If you suspect that someone is driving while impaired by alcohol or drugs, it is important to call 9-1-1 to report it.


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