Toronto: The TTC Gets Ready for Saint Patrick’s Day

Toronto TTC Streetcar

TTC announces extra service for St. Patrick’s Day Parade, details upcoming service adjustments

TORONTO – LIVING – The TTC has announced plans to enhance its subway and streetcar services this Sun., Mar. 17 in anticipation of the annual St. Patrick’s Day Parade. Extra trains will be in operation on Line 1 Yonge-University and Line 2 Bloor-Danforth, along with additional streetcars on the 505 Dundas route.

The TTC is also advising customers that starting Mon., Mar. 18, subway service on the portion of Line 2 Bloor-Danforth, between St George and Woodbine stations, will end nightly at 11 p.m. to facilitate essential track work, and 510/310 Spadina streetcars will divert for nightly maintenance work on the Spadina Tunnel.

Monday – Friday early nightly subway closures between St George and Woodbine stations

Mon., Mar. 18 through Fri., Mar. 22, subway service on the portion of Line 2 Bloor-Danforth between St George and Woodbine stations will end nightly at 11 p.m.

Shuttle buses will run, stopping at each station along the route. TTC staff will be on hand to direct customers to shuttle boarding and offloading locations. Bay, Sherbourne, Chester, and Greenwood stations will be closed during these hours. All other subway stations will remain open for customers to load PRESTO cards, purchase PRESTO tickets and connect to surface routes.

Customers who require Wheel-Trans service can speak with any TTC customer service staff member for assistance.

The early nightly closures will allow crews to perform essential track maintenance, including work to lift speed restrictions.

While the TTC does most subway maintenance at the conclusion of service each night, it continues to require weekend and early weeknight closures to complete critical infrastructure and state-of-good-repair work.

Reduced speed zones

In the last seven days, TTC crews have made significant progress in lifting speed restrictions along more than 650 metres of track on Line 1 Yonge-University. Customers are now experiencing faster commutes from Bloor to Rosedale, St Clair to Davisville, and North York Centre to Finch stations.

As a safety precaution, the TTC reduces speed along sections of rail where maintenance is required, allowing trains to run safely during service hours while minimizing disruptions to customers. Reduced speed zones also protect workers who may be required at track level to conduct routine or emergency inspections.

Customers are encouraged to plan ahead and consider the additional time they may need for their trips. A complete list of current reduced speed zones can be found on the TTC website at:

Monday – Thursday
510 | 310 Spadina nightly streetcar diversions

Mon., Mar. 18, through Thurs., Mar. 21, 510/310 Spadina streetcars will divert nightly between 11 p.m. and 4 a.m. to accommodate state-of-good-repair work in the Spadina tunnel.

Spadina streetcars will run between Union Station and Charlotte Loop (Adelaide St. W.), with replacement buses serving on-street stops between Spadina Station and King St.

Bus diversions

This Sun., Mar. 17, road closures will be in effect between 8 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. for the St. Patrick’s Day Parade. The closures will impact service on the 13 Avenue Road, 19 Bay, and 94 Wellesley routes.

Also on Sunday, the 110C Islington South will divert from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. due to road closures for the Sidh Shakti – Baba Balak Nath Parade.

Information about bus diversions will be posted to all impacted stops, and customers are advised to check before their journey.

The TTC is committed to keeping customers informed about work and events that impact service, as well as alternate route options. For the most up-to-date information, follow @TTCNotices on X or sign up for eAlerts.

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