Alarming Climate Crisis Impacting Global Health: Lancet Countdown Report Reveals Urgent Challenges

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Latest findings highlight escalating health risks and call for immediate action

Geneva, Switzerland – CLIMATE – A crucial report has been released showing how the climate crisis is seriously affecting our health worldwide. The Lancet Countdown on Health and Climate Change’s 8th annual report highlights how this crisis is making health emergencies worse and could undo many years of progress in keeping people healthy.

The climate crisis is causing more hunger, spreading diseases faster, and leading to more extreme weather like heatwaves and storms. This is putting a lot of pressure on health services around the world and shows we need to take quick and major steps to fix these problems.

Key Report on Climate

Dr. Maria Neira from the World Health Organization (WHO) says this report is really important. It shows what’s happening and helps guide urgent actions to tackle the health and climate crisis. She believes we need to make big changes like using more clean energy, cutting down on pollution, and getting ready for future climate challenges. The upcoming COP28 meeting is a big chance to focus on health and make decisions that will lead to a healthier and stronger world.

This report tells us that the health problems caused by climate change are getting worse everywhere. It’s especially tough for older people and babies who are more affected by extreme heat. They now face more hot days than they did between 1986 and 2005. Also, harsh weather is making it harder to get clean water and grow food, putting millions at risk of not having enough to eat. In 2021, there were 127 million more people facing hunger in 122 countries than the yearly average from 1981 to 2010.

Climate Change Will Impact Health

Climate change is also speeding up the spread of dangerous diseases. For example, warmer seas are helping harmful Vibrio bacteria grow along coastlines, increasing the risk of diseases like severe wound infections and sepsis. This problem is especially bad in Europe, where the risk from these bacteria in coastal waters is growing every year.

The report also says that health systems are struggling and many cities are worried about being overwhelmed by climate change impacts. It warns that we’re moving in the wrong direction by still relying too much on fossil fuels and not doing enough to help the most vulnerable people switch to sustainable energy.

Not following the Paris Agreement’s goal to limit global warming could have really bad effects on people’s health. More kids could suffer from hunger, diseases could spread more, and more people could die from breathing problems. We have to act now.

WHO is calling for a health-focused approach to the climate crisis. This means actions that are good for the climate and for our health. By doing this, we can save millions of lives and make sure everyone has the same chance to be healthy.

WHO is asking governments to quickly move away from fossil fuels and switch to clean energy. This will help stop climate change and also make the air cleaner for almost everyone in the world.

As the 28th United Nations Climate Change Conference is coming up next month in the United Arab Emirates, WHO wants all countries to make health a big part of their climate plans. By working together, we can make sure everyone has a healthy and safe future.

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