Northwest Wildfire Report: Eight New Fires Bring Total to 53 Active Wildfires

Wildfire Update

THUNDER BAY – Wildfire Update – In the expansive Northwest Region, eight new fires have been verified as of the late afternoon on August 7. The details are as follows:

  1. Fort Frances 32: Located near the Manitou River, approximately 56 kilometers north of Fort Frances, this 0.1-hectare fire is currently not under control.
  2. Nipigon 99: Situated east of the Pic River, around 8 kilometers east of Marathon, this 0.1-hectare fire is not under control.
  3. Nipigon 100: In a remote area approximately 43 kilometers east of Kasabonika First Nation, this substantial 30-hectare fire is being observed.
  4. Nipigon 96: Close to Washi Lake, about 54 kilometers east of Eabametoong (Fort Hope) First Nation, this 1.0-hectare fire is not under control.
  5. Nipigon 97: Roughly 15 kilometers east of Eabametoong (Fort Hope) First Nation, this 3.0-hectare fire is not under control.
  6. Sioux Lookout 88: Near Botsford Lake, approximately 16 kilometers east of Sioux Lookout, this 0.1-hectare fire is being held.
  7. Sioux Lookout 89: In a remote area about 37 kilometers southwest of Nibinamik First Nation, this extensive 60-hectare fire is being observed.
  8. Nipigon 98: Located around 52 kilometers west/northwest of the remote community of Webequie, this substantial 100-hectare fire is being observed.

Overall Fire Situation

As of this update, there are 53 active fires in the Northwest Region. Among these, 10 fires are not under control, six are being held, seven are under control, and 30 are being observed.

Fire Hazard Assessment

The fire hazard across the Northwest Region varies considerably. While some sectors experience low fire hazard, others face high risk. Notably, high hazard conditions are concentrated along the International border in the Fort Frances and Thunder Bay sectors. Similarly, significant portions of the Red Lake, Sioux Lookout, Kenora, and Dryden sectors also exhibit elevated fire hazard.

To gain a detailed understanding of fire hazard conditions in your specific area, we encourage you to explore our Interactive Map.

Notable Fires

Among the fires of note in the Northwest Region:

  1. Sioux Lookout 33: This extensive 62,377-hectare fire situated on the western edge of Wabakimi Provincial Park continues to be a challenge. Crews are actively establishing hose lines, and helicopter bucketing operations provide crucial support.
  2. Nipigon 19: Located northwest of Ogoki Lake, this fire, spanning 10,182 hectares, is being held. Crews are diligently working to address identified hot spots, yielding excellent progress.
  3. Red Lake 28: Positioned 40 kilometers North of Lac Seul First Nation, this 19,177-hectare fire is being held. Ongoing efforts to manage hot spots are resulting in excellent progress. Infrared scanning activities continue.
  4. Thunder Bay 40: Located 7.5 kilometers east of Quetico Provincial Park and approximately 24.0 kilometers north of the international border, this 82.0-hectare fire is yet to be controlled. The establishment of hose lines remains ongoing.

Safety and Reporting

As always, we emphasize safety:

  • Smoke Forecast: Stay updated on smoke forecasts via to access current and forecasted smoke conditions.
  • Fireworks Safety: While fireworks are an enjoyable aspect of summer, prioritize fire safety. Avoid starting wildland fires through responsible use. Consider attending organized fireworks events.
  • Waterbomber Safety: When waterbombers approach water bodies, remain near the shore to enable safe scooping. Remember, encroaching watercraft can pose hazards, and waterbombers will not scoop from unsafe locations.
  • No Drone Zone: Prevent unnecessary risk by refraining from flying drones around forest fires. Doing so endangers the lives of pilots, firefighters, and emergency personnel.

Lastly, your prompt reporting plays a pivotal role in managing wildfires. To report a wildland fire located north of the French and Mattawa rivers, dial 310-FIRE. For incidents south of the French or Mattawa rivers, dial 911.

Your cooperation and vigilance contribute significantly to the protection of our forests and communities. Stay safe and vigilant.

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